29. A break in the silence

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(Mature Content)

Weeks passed by in peaceful silence. Every night ended in kisses and cuddling for Thoma and Luan, though Thoma began to become more handsy. Luan knew that Thoma was probably feeling very restless, having not left the apartment other than for doctors appointments, and he hadn't seen anyone but Luan or Charlie. But with Charlie's permission, Thoma was permitted to come back to the theater and resume practice. 

When he'd got the news he had pulled Luan onto his lap and showered him with excited kisses, making Luan giggle uncontrollably. 

"I have the cutest lover," Thoma gushed in between kisses, "and I'm getting my life back. I'm just so completely happy." 

Luan grasped his face, "I'm really happy too. Truly happy, for what feels like the first time." Luan kissed him softly. Thoma gripped him tighter and grabbed his hips, grinding him against his already hardening erection.

Things had progressed far too quickly and Luan felt out of breath.

"Thoma.." Luan moaned in between kisses but Thoma refused to release him and pushed his tongue into his mouth forcefully. Luan knew that today he wouldn't be able to stop Thoma's wandering hands but Luan was becoming impatient for intimacy as well. So just for today, unless things were leading towards sex, he wasn't going to stop Thoma.

Luan wasn't going to let him take control completely though. Since Thoma's hands were busy grinding Luan against him, he let his hands drift down Thoma's chest towards his pants. He felt Thoma's movements falter and he moaned into Luan's mouth as the latters hands lightly traced his hardened dick. 

"Lu.." Thoma begged.

Luan slipped his hands under the waistband of Thoma's sweatpants, past his underwear, gripping his dripping dick in his hands. Thoma released Luan's lips and looked down at Luan's hand gripping his length. 

Luan was pleasantly surprised by Thoma's size and wanted to acknowledge this to ease Thoma's probably anxious mind. But one look from Thoma told him that all he wanted was for Luan to continue. He slowly glided his hand up and down Thoma's full length, receiving a beautifully pained moan from Thoma's mouth. 

"Fuck, he looks so sexy with so little control." Luan thought and decided to try dirty talk on Thoma. 

"Do you like how I touch your aching dick, baby?" Luan said and he looked to Thoma to see his reaction to pet names. Thoma's face was completely red and he tried to hide it with his hand. Luan gripped his hand and instead guided it to the front of his pants. "Touch me, won't you?" He asked and licked Thoma's mouth teasingly. 

Thoma's hand shakingly undid the zipper of his pants and Luan had a split second fear that he would be disgusting seeing another mans penis. But the thought just as quickly left his mind as he watched Thoma's face, which was full of lust and want. Thoma softy touched Luan through his underwear and he involuntarily grinded against his hand. 

"God, Lu. I don't think I've ever wanted someone this much," Thoma moaned as Luan continued his torturous hand movements. Thoma brought Luan's dick out of his pants and stared at it until Luan became embarassed. 

"Umm...is something wrong?" Luan finally asked, both of them having paused their actions awkwardly. "Oh no. I'm sorry..b-baby," Thoma tried out the pet name and now it was Luan's turn to blush deeply.

"I just have never seen another guys... ya know, so close. And, I mean its YOURS. I wanted to remember this important milestone in our relationship. It's already been 2 1/2 months since we've been dating. It's just... a really important time for me, for us." Thoma explained and Luan couldn't help but kiss him again. 

He had never had someone appreciate him so completely and he felt embarrassed for some reason. Thoma had been so good to him and it was hitting him all at once just how appreciative he was. For the first time he felt like he could truly fall in love with the person he was dating. 

Luan continued his hand movements and Thoma almost jumped. Luan took both of their dicks and positioned Thoma's hand against his. He began grinding them together and captured Thoma's lips in his again, though the latter seemed preoccupied by their hand movements. 

Both of their breathing became heavier and they could no longer focus on kissing. They both leaned their heads on each other's shoulders and called each others names as they came. 

They didn't say anything until their breathing slowed and as they met eyes, they couldn't help but laugh. It seemed so unreal what had just happened between them and neither of them knew how to act.

"I'll help you to the shower," Luan said and Thoma nodded before hugging Luan tightly to him. 

"I like you so much, Lu." Thoma said and Luan nuzzled into his neck. "I do too. So much."


They still had another day until Thoma was set to officially return to the theater. While Thoma finished up some work he hadn't finished during the week, Luan busied himself cleaning the apartment and starting their dinner. Realizing he didn't have all the the ingredients he called to Thoma while he put on his shoes. 

"Hey, Thoma I have to run to the store for some ingredients for dinner. Is there anything you want to snack on?" 

Luan waited but all he heard was some scrambling and then Thoma came out with his crutches, fully dressed. 

"Let me come with you, please?" Thoma asked and Luan couldn't refuse him, though he wanted this to just be a short trip. Luan helped him with his shoes and they made their way downstairs to get a taxi to the store. Thoma appeared to be seeing everything for the first time and held Luan's hand the whole drive while he glanced out the window. 

The few ingredients they had to get turned into an all out snack run for Thoma. Luan forgot how snacky Thoma got before he'd eaten, or else he would've refused him coming. A few extra bags of groceries later they were returning home and Thoma was making his way through the recently purchased goodies. 

Luan had to stop him from losing his appetite by grabbing the bags from him and slapping his hands whenever he tried to sneak some more. When they got to the door Thoma distracted Luan with a few kisses and managed to sneak the bags from him. 

"If you eat another snack, you're going straight to bed after dinner!" Luan called to Thoma as he set to make dinner once again. Just then there was a knock on the door and Luan wiped his hands before quickly going to the door. Perhaps Thoma had invited Charlie over without his knowing. 

Before Luan had time to realize what was happening he was yanked outside the door to the other side and pushed against it. 

"I finally found you," Mikey said with a relieved sigh.

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