62. Choose yourself

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"Mr. Wilder, over here!" the director, Michael Gardeen, stood to shake Thoma's hand and they both sat down. 

It had been a week and a half since Thoma's play and only now did both Mr. Gardeen and his schedule match up to meet. 

"I apologize for being late, I was having trouble finding parking," Thoma apologized but Mr. Gardeen waved him off. 

"Nothing you could do it about it. Now, would you like to order something to drink or eat before we get started?" he asked and Thoma nodded. Mr. Gardeen summoned a waiter over and placed Thoma and his own order. 

"Now then, you brought your resume I trust?" He asked and Thoma nodded before reaching into his satchel bag and bringing out all the necessary documents. Mr. Gardeen mulled them over while sipping on his coffee.

Thoma felt uncomfortable waiting for what he might say about his work and Thoma was ready and willing to tell him the truth of why he'd quit directing, or more like was fired from directing. Finally, Mr. Gardeen set down the documents and looked to Thoma, who was fidgeting with the handle of his mug. 

"You have a very impressive portfolio Mr. Wilder, but based on these past projects and the play you directed last week, I trust that there is an explanation for your almost decade long break from directing?" 

Thoma sighed and nodded and proceeded to tell Mr. Gardeen everything about his past. The work that he'd put into becoming a director, his first few projects and then the explanation of why he was fired. He explained his long break and ultimate giving up altogether of directing. Throughout his whole explanation, Mr. Gardeen did not bat an eye and simply nodded when appropriate and sipped his coffee till it was gone, proceeding to get a refill.

 Finally, Thoma explained Charlie's influence and encouragement towards giving directing another try and he debated sharing Luan's shared influence, which he ultimately did. 

After Thoma was done, Mr. Gardeen looked at him and said, "It sounds like you have some pretty amazing people in your life," to which Thoma nodded. He was extremely blessed to have such a supportive best friend and boyfriend who always pushed him towards his dream. 

"I had heard of the young director who had attacked a producer, but I was not aware of the story behind it. Thank you for being willing to share your story, I can't imagine the decision to do so came easy. But I'm sure you were aware that as we work together, I would find out the truth eventually," he said and Thoma went wide eyed.

"Yes, Mr. Wilder, I purposely said 'as' and not 'if' we work together. I am very impressed by your past work and the work you put into that small scale production. You have a talent and a heart for directing and I would like you to work alongside me back up to the top. I hope that through this experience, you will be able to make a name for yourself, one that you are proud of."

Thoma couldn't believe what he was hearing, it seemed too good to be true. "S-so what does that mean for me, sir?" 

Mr. Gardeen nodded, as if he forgot that he'd need to share what was expected, "I will be flying back to Georgia tomorrow morning. I understand you have a job and a life here and I do not want you to be taken away from that so quickly. But I will have you know next month in Georgia I am set to start production on an Indi short film. Filming isn't supposed to take more than a month, depending on how things go with casting and budgets, but I would like you to join me there, at least for a couple weeks. I see it as a way to get you back in the water. I'll watch your work and we can go from there."

Thoma nodded and immediately knew he needed to be there. "I will be there sir."

"Great. My secretary will send you all the necessary paperwork and you can call or message them with any questions you might have." 

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Gardeen," Thoma said.

"Call me Michael," He said with a smile. 

They both stood and shook hands before leaving. Thoma hurried home to tell Luan the news. 


Luan was sitting on the couch playing video games when Thoma got home from his meeting. Immediately upon hearing Thoma outside the door, Luan stood to greet him. "Lu!" Thoma exclaimed when he opened the door. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his bag, wrapping Luan in and big hug and kissing his cheek. 

"Haha, I take it the meeting went well then?" Luan said and helped Thoma out of his coat. Lucy, who'd been sleeping next to Luan as he'd been playing, hurried to her owners and rubbed up against Thoma's leg. He picked her up and began scratching behind her ear. 

"Better than I could've ever imagined," Thoma said excitedly and sat down on the couch, Luan sitting facing him. 

"Mr. Gardeen, or I guess Michael, said that he wants me to fly down to Georgia to help him with a short film he's doing down there!"

Luan broke out in a smile, "Thoma that's amazing! How long will you be down there?" 

"He said that shooting will be about a month but that I don't have to be down there the whole time, but honestly, I'd like to be. I know that this is the best case scenario but Lu, would you want to come with me?" Thoma asked and Luan knew he'd have to decline. 

"I mean of course I'd like to come, but I have finals next month and I think we both need to focus on our passions right now. It's only a month and I can stay here and take care of the apartment and Lucy," Luan insisted and Thoma pouted. 

"But that's a whole month without being together and we only just moved in together," Thoma whined sarcastically and Luan laughed.

"Wow, you're being a baby. Don't act like I'm choosing school over you, I just want you to choose yourself and your passion before anything else, that's all. Plus, what would I do while you're on set in a place I don't know anyone?" Luan argued and Thoma nodded. 

"Fine. But we need to have SO much time together before I go and then when I get back," Thoma insisted and Luan nodded. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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