Cooking up a storm.

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"Oh I'll cook up a storm." Michael said, walking into the kitchen.

Present time

Michael went straight to the pantry and grabbed flour then went to the fridge to grab tomato sauce, cheese, and pepperoni.

He grabbed a bowl, a rolling pin, and a pan. He went to the counter next to the sink and dumped the flour in the bowl and put water in it then mixed it will a spoon that happened to be on the counter. I watched in awe as Michael did this for his and my siblings that he says are annoying every day. He swears he doesn't care about them, but deep down, he does.

"So you do care about our siblings! I knew you did!" I blurted, stating my thoughts casually. AND not being able to keep in due to the fact he says he hates them daily.

Michael turned around, and blushed a little.

"Wh- no, I'm just hungry and I want pizza." He said, looking off to the side. Whenever he lies, he can't maintain eye contact. It's funny cause you can always tell when he's telling the truth and what not.

"Yknow michael, you'd be a good father if we ever had kids." I said, not noticing I said "we".

"Are you saying you wanna have kids with me, n/n?" He said while taking the dough out of the bowl and kneading it, dusting flour on the counter before he did so.

"I- WHAT- UM- WELL I- I" I knew I was blushing immensely, after not realizing I implied that.

"You said "we", n/n" I won't blame you though. I love you too-"

"MICHAELLLLLLL NOT IN THAT WAYYY!" I cut him off, running to hide my face in one of the pillows on the couch.

"Whatever you say, n/n." He replied, flipping the dough in the air, then putting tomato sauce and cheese on it.

Michael put the pepperoni on the pizza, and then put it in the over he previously pre-heated.

"Woah, how'd you flip the dough like that Mikey?" I asked in amazement.

"Practice n/n, practice." Michael said back while sitting down on the couch, setting a timer for the pizza.

6:08 pm

The timer for the pizza went off, so Michael went to grab it out the oven. He put on a oven mitt and took the pizza out.

"Ooooh, smells good!" I complimented, walking over to the kitchen.

"Of course it does y/n" Michael said.

"Oh shush Michael." I said back.

Michael grabbed a pizza cutter and cut the pizza into 8 slices. 2 for us, and 1 for each of the kids. He put a slice on each plate and two slices for me and him.

"Pizzas ready!" He yelled out.

The kids came running downstairs, they ended up just taking their pizza upstairs, but it's fine.

"Thank you!" Ian yelled out.

"You're welcome." Michael replied, loud enough for them to hear.

I looked over at Ian, and he was holding Elizabeths hand.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute." I said, standing up.

"Whats so cute?" Michael asked, standing up to go get our pizza.

"My brother was holding your sisters hand." I told him.

"Your brother was what?!" Michael yelled out, turning around with an angry look on his face.

"What, protective of your sister?" I asked, laughing.

He blushed out of embarrassment.

"Wh- no! She can do what she wants!" He replied in a panic.

"Sureee.." I said sarcastically.

Michael gave me my pizza and we ate happily. After we ate we found a show to binge watch so we did that.

"Hey Mike ima check the time"


7:06 pm

"Shit Michael, I've gotta go. My mom is gonna be worried sick." I said, running downstairs to grab my stuff as he followed behind.

"Nono it's fine n/n, see you tomorrow, Hm?" He said, watching me get my siblings from Elizabeth's room.

"Yeah yeah sure!" I replied.

"Ian! Valerie! Finish your pizza it's time to go!" I yelled out.

I have no idea what they did with the dishes, buts it's whatever.

7:10 pm

My brother and sister came downstairs with their stuff, and by that time I was ready.

"Bye Michael see you tomorrow!" I yelled opening the front door.

"Bye doll!" He yelled back from the kitchen, probably finding another TV show to watch.

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now