Who wouldve thought?

326 9 14

PLAYING: kiss me more - Doja cat & sza

"Can you kiss me more?"

A lil spice to this chapter for u guys ;)
I walked to school with Michael, laughing at joking around like what people would call "lovebirds."

Suddenly, I thought of a question I meant to ask Michael.

"Hey Mike?"


"Are we a couple now?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well what do you think?" Michael asked sarcastically.

"I don't know, maybe- maybe not?" I said, gesturing I'm not joking around.

Michael took the hint and gave me an actual answer.

"I'm mean- yeah, if you want us to be..." Michael awkwardly said.

"Then yeah!" I said, looking at him.

"Okay then, we're a couple now- girlfriend." Michael said, chuckling.

"Alright boyfriend." I joked back.

We reached the school around 7:45 AM, having extra time left. We went to our lockers and put our stuff in then went to class.

We got to class and sat down next to eachother, continuing to talk about whatever.

8:16 AM

While the teacher was talking, Michael ripped a small piece of paper out his notebook and wrote a note.

He passed it to me, and I read it.

'Can we skip class? I have something better we can do.'

I wrote back.

'Why? This lesson is important I think.'

'Are we ever going to need to tell somebody about the ancient pyramids in life???'

'Fine. What's the plan?'

'We use the bathrooms few minutes apart, take ur backpacks.'

'Okay, who's first?'


I looked at Michael, and raised my hand.

"Yes ms. Y/n?" The teacher answered.

"May I use the bathroom?" I asked, biting my lip while waiting for an answer.

"Go." The teacher told me, going back to the lesson.

I took my bag and started walk out of class, people not questioning it because I'm a girl. I glanced back and Michael and walked out.

I walked to the bathrooms, assuming that's where he would want me to go- since he didn't tell me.

A few minutes later I saw Michael walking towards me, so I waved him over to the bench I was sitting on.

"Michael what if we get caught?" I asked, looking around.

Michael pulled two fake hall passes out of his pocket, giving one to me.

"No way! Thanks Mike!" I told him, taking this opportunity to peck his cheek.

He blushed, shifting a little.

"So..... what was that ever so fun thing you wanted to skip class for?" I asked, looking at him.

"Follow me." He said, dragging me into the handicap bathrooms that are basically abandoned.

He dragged us into the big stalls and locked it, then took a pack of cigarettes out his pocket. I was kind of hoping for something more fun, but this is fine too.

I took one from the pack and put it in my mouth.

"You have a lighter?" I asked.

Michael pulled one out and lit mine, then lit his.

We both took a drag, then exhaled.

"So we just smoke for the next hour?" I asked Michael.

"We can do something else if you want." Michael told me.

"Like what?" I asked, taking another drag.

"Make out." Michael said straight up.

I choked, coughing cigarette smoke out.

Michael laughed, and took another drag.

We smoked the rest of our cigarettes, then stomped them out in the corner.

"Sooooo.... You reconsidering that offer?" Michael asked, chuckling.

"Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know!" I said sassily, leaning on the wall.

"Is that so?" Michael asked smiling, while walking closer to me.

"Yes it is so." I said, mocking his accent.

Michael walked closer and put his arms on the walls around me, kind of pinning me to the wall.

"Stop making fun of my accent." Michael told me.

"Make me! Bet you can't." I said back.

Michael just started at me.

"Yknow starting at me isn't just gonna make me kiss you!" I told him.

"I'll make you shush if you don't want to yourself." Michael said.

"Then do it!" I said.

Michael leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed back. He grabbed my chin gently and continued to kiss me.

I tilted my head to deepen the kiss, Michael pushing into me more.


We jumped as the bell rung in our ears, it echoing in the bathroom.

"Fuck.." I whispered, grabbing my stuff and leaving the stall with Michael.

"What? Can't get enough?" Michael asked, teasingly.

"No, the bell startled me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What are we gonna do while we're suspended next week? Party or something?" Michael asked.

"Sure" I replied, daydreaming about it.

"Oh- well- okay- I'll find a party then." Michael told me.

"Really?" I asked, not actually thinking he was serious.

"I recall you saying I would do anything for you, so yes I am serious." Michael said.

"Okay then, I'll find something to wear." I told myself.

"I should too."

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now