5k special part 2

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Silly little head cannons I have for this silly little British boy

20 random hcs for u <3

-Beforehand, when you guys were in sophomore year, jeremy made Mike realize he had a crush on you, so since then he's been acting flirty and giving hints. The same was with you but Catarina told you lol.

-if you were pregnant/in labor, Michael would say sorry for any pain 😭😭

-pierced his ears at 14 by himself, William noticed and yelled at him but it looked really good.

-is really good at art, would 100% draw you for ur birthday or special occasion and put his whole aftussy into it

-still has a bit of love for his father.

-once had a cat named grape but it ran away

-would get jealous if you guys had a pet and payed attention to it more than him

-touch starved

-has a soft spot for certain people and things

-can't make eye contact when he lies unless it's something serious like lying to his dad

-fell off his skateboard once and had a gash on his chin

-would def ride a motorcycle

-Michael bullied his brother with the masks because he didn't want him to be scared.

-Michael blames himself for Elizabeth's death, and evans

-will not kill bugs for you, you have to do it for him

-deathly afraid of frogs. Once when he saw one and screamed like a little girl. He was 15.

-allergic to cats but lives through it

-steals blankets and shirts from you to wear/ use as a pillowcase so he can fall asleep. When you found out he hid from you for a good week

-loves queen.

-once he tried to cook for you and almost burned the kitchen down. That was the only time you saw his dad yell at him until recently

There you guys go, hope you like them. :)

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now