About a girl

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PLAYING: About a girl - Nirvana

"-won't you have a clue?"

TW: minor gore, fighting



The bell rung as everyone picked up their bags and walked out of class.

As I walked out the door, I felt someone grab my waist.

And it wasn't Michael.

"Heyyy babe, why are we sitting with pathetic little Michael today instead of your own boyfriend?" I heard Damian say.

"Get off of me you cheater!" I said, prying his hands off of me.

"Get off of me you cheater!" I said, prying his hands off of me.

"Cheater? What? I would never!" Damian said, a cheeky smile on his face.

"I saw you kissing Angela you fucking twerp!" I told him.

"What did you just call me?" Damian said, his smile fading.

"I called you a twerp!" I said again, not backing down.

Damian grabbed my throat, not in a sexual way but a rather aggressive way.

"Let go of me you-!" I was cut off my his grip tightening, starting to choke me.

Surprisingly, no one did anything. They just watched. Watched me suffocate.

I gasped and squirmed, trying to loosen his grip. But it only tightened.

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL HELP!" I screamed as much as I could.

Damian suddenly let go of me, and held the side of his head that was.. bleeding?

I looked over to the side, and there he was.


"Aw what the fuck man?" Damian said, letting go of his head slowly.

People around us started to chant.


It looked like both of the boys were pretty strong, Michael having a height advantage. Michael was about 6'2 and Damian was about 5'9 1/2.

Damian punched Michaels cheek, setting him off.

Michael punched Damian in the nose, making a loud-


While Damian's adrenaline was still running, he punched Michael in the face enough to get his lip to bleed.

I cringed at this, seeing my best friend get hurt.

Damian punched Michael in the arm and then in the ribs, knocking him back a bit.

Michael took a second to catch his breath and then threw another punch to his nose.

Damian fell to the ground in pain, holding his nose.

Michael took this opportunity to get in a few kicks to the ribs and stomach, and got on the ground above him and started going at his face.

Michael got back up and kicked him in the balls one last time to finish him off, earning a few loud groans from Damian.
PLAYING: class fight - Melanie Martinez

"HIS* face was fucked up, and my hands were bloody"

Suddenly, a whistle blew. Everyone fled to their classes except for me, Michael and Damian.

"Michael afton! Y/n L/n! Damian Lopez! To my office! NOW!" The principal shouted at us.

"Damian honey, stop at the nurse and get an ice pack then you can come." The principal told him, softening her tone.

I looked over at Michael, seeing a purple-bluish bruise begin to form on his cheek.

He looked back at me, then at my neck, and put his arm around me.

Principals office

"Alright you three, explain. Y/n, you first." The principal said, sighing.

Michael looked at me with a rueful look on his face, and I returned it then started to speak.

"Well.. I was walking out of class when Damian grabbed my waist. He asked why u sat next to Michael instead of him and I just told him I didn't because he cheated on me. He denied it and I uh-.. called him some names... and he started to choke me. That's when Michael came in and punched him... and then they fought." I explained.

"Alright... Michael, you." The principal told him.

"Uhm... I was getting my stuff then I heard some yelling outside, and I heard y/n yelling my name so I went outside the classroom and saw Damian choking her... I punched him so he would stop, then we fought." Michael explained next, his explanation much shorter than my lengthy one.

"Damian..." the principal gestured.

"So... I asked y/n why she didn't sit with me and she said because I cheated, so I gently grabbed her neck to kiss her and she freaked out and then Michael punched me for no reason and then we ended up fighting." Damian lied

"Alright, Michael and y/n, you are suspended for a week, starting next week. Damian, you are expelled." The principal decided.

Michael looked terrified for some reason, I wasn't too worried, and Damian looked even more horrified then Michael if it was possible.

All three of you will go home early for your injuries, grab your stuff and leave. The principal said, going back to doing whatever work she had on her computer, officially dismissing us.

Me and Michael grabbed our things and left out of the door in the principals office, and Damian went to the nurse.

"Mikey are you okay? Do your bruises hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah, Im fine." He lied.

He didn't look okay.

"Are you okay to skate?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine y/n" Michael said, grabbing his skateboard.

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now