Beginners luck.

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""So... how do you stand on this thing? I need help Mikey." I said, trying to figure out how to stand on this skateboard.

"N/n, put your foot up like I am." He showed me. I did what I thought he wanted me to do, clearly I wasn't doing the right thing because...

"No- not like that... here." He said, getting off of his skateboard and walking over to me.

"Like this.." he corrected me, putting his hands on my waist and positioning me correctly, how I should be standing I mean.
I could feel his breath on my neck, it made me shudder. I looked back at him and blushed, he looked at me and blushed too.

"G-good.. like that." He said, slowly backing up as if I would disintegrate with one wrong movement.

"Now push yourself forward."

I did what he told me to, and I was adapting pretty quickly, learning how to steer and how to speed up and slow down.

"Okay, good! You think you'll be okay to ride to the skatepark?" He asked, clapping.

"Yeah I think so!" I said, stopping myself.

"Alright, let's go then!" He said, getting on his skateboard and skating towards the skatepark. I followed. Surprisingly, I didn't fall or stumble or anything. I'm pretty good at this actually, and it's fun.

I sped past Michael, getting the hand of it pretty quickly. In my opinion, for my first try I was doing decently.

"Y/n slow down your gonna fall!" Michael called out, i could barely hear him due to me being so far away.

"No I won't!" I yelled back, turning into the surprisingly empty skatepark. Michael eventually caught up to me though.

After skating around for a while, I got bored.

"Mikeyyyyy I wanna know how to do trickssss" I complained, getting off of my skateboard and sitting down on the ledge of the bowl. Michael sat down next to me and dramatically sighed.

"Is a kick flip okay?" He asked, standing up.

"Let's do it!" I answered, getting up and getting back on my skateboard.

10 minutes later

Michael had been explaining the steps over and over for about 10 minutes now, and I'm pretty sure I had it down.

"Ok now try!" Michael encouraged.

"Alright..." I said, rethinking this.

I prepared myself.

I followed the steps.

I jumped.


I landed it.

I was in shock.

Michael was too.


"I dunno, you're good at explaining I guess."

"Tsk, Beginners luck." He said under his breath, scoffing and looking away.

"Pfft, whatever. You're just jealous."

"Wh- no I'm not!" He said looking back, getting more defensive.

"Sureeee.... Yeah." I said, laughing.

"Whatever! Let's just go get snacks or something..." he mumbled, blushing.

"Alright then, lover boy." I said, Purposely trying to fluster him.

"Shut up! Let's go." He said, getting even more flustered and angry.

"Okay, okay, jeez." I said, putting my hands up while getting back on my skateboard.

Convenience store

We got to the convenience store after about 15 minutes. I got f/s (fav snack) and f/d (fav drink). Michael got Gatorade and some gum, to contribute to his gum addiction... obviously.

We paid and left, then found a curb to sit on. Michael ate some gum while I enjoyed my f/s.

"Hey Mike, what time is it?" I asked, looking up at the clouds.

"Dunno, but it's probably time to go back home. The sun is setting." He said, blowing a bubble with his bubble gum.

"Can we stay and watch the sunset for a bit?" I pleaded, giving him puppy eyes.

"I-...." He stuttered... blushing immensely.

"Pleaseeeeee?" I asked again, getting closer to his face.

He blushed even more, if possible.

"Yes." He finally blurted out.

I backed away from his face and engulfed him in a hug. I was acting like this to fluster him, and it was working.

"Thank you!" I told him.

"You're welcome..." his voice trailed off.

He hugged me back as I cuddled up next to him, feeling the breeze.

20 minutes later

Michaels POV

"Hey doll, I think it's time to go home. It's getting dark." I told y/n.

All I heard was an elongated groan.

"Y/nnn we have to go, we can't spend the night out here!" I said, shivering a bit. Even though it's summer, the nighttime breeze is chilly.

"Fine.." y/n mumbled.

She got up and lazily picked up her skateboard, I assumed she was too tired to ride it.

"Tired?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"No." She replied, clinging to my arm searching for warmth.

I took off my jacket and put it on her. She looked cold, she was shivering.

We started walking home, we tried to hurry since it was almost pitch black outside. I didn't know what my fatha would do, but I hope that it wasn't anything too bad. I know he doesn't want me out late... for some reason. My fatha is a complete asshole. I really hope y/n doesn't find out about him abusing me, I have no clue what y/n would even do. Probably have me live with her. I dunno.

I didn't even realize we were home until y/n told me. We walked to my house, I'm assuming y/n just wanted to come over for a bit. It's fine if she doesn't have anything to sleep in, some of her stuff is over here and vice versa.

I opened the door, praying my fatha wasn't home. I didn't see his stupid grape car in the driveway, but who knows. He could've parked in the garage.

I heard footsteps rushing to the door.

Uh oh.

I hope he sees y/n and puts on his nice act as always.

"MICHAEL WHERE HAVE YOU- oh. Hello there, y/n." He started, then stopped as he saw y/ns figure in the door next to me.

I took y/n to my room, speed walking past my fatha for obvious reasons.

We made it upstairs to my room, I looked at y/n.

"Sleeping over?"


"Want me to call your parents so they know?"


"Alright then."

ANDDDD DONE! this chapter was longer then I expected, sorry for not updating. I've been busy with finals but I'm off so whenever I'm free I'll try my best to write! :)

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now