Oh, michael!

443 5 9

PLAYING: soap - Melanie Martinez

"Uh oh, there it goes. I said to much, it overflowed!"


Michaels POV

I woke up to y/n shaking me, her warm tears landing on my face.

"Michael! Michael please wake up! Please I love you so fucking much don't leave me please! Oh, Michael!" y/n desperately said, her voice cracking.

"Y/n!" I tried to say, but it just came out as a broken whisper.

"Michael for fucks sake!" She said, engulfing me in a hug.

I hugged back and looked over to the side, and I saw my father- on the floor?

"What'd you do?" I asked y/n, my voice coming back slowly

"Uhm- I used a glass bottle that was on the floor..." y/n said, helping me up.

"Dude what's up with your dad? Was he drunk or something?" Y/n asked, looking at my new cuts and bruises.

"Uh- let's talk about that some other time...?" I said, trying to weasel my way out of this crazy situation.

"Cmon let's go to my house, you need some fixing." Y/n said, dragging me by my arm out the front door that was left cracked.

"What about your parents?" I asked, trying to make her rethink this.

"Business trip." She said, coldly.

Her parents were always busy. To busy for her, her siblings. They were just left on their own.

We got to y/ns house after a 2 minute walk, her house much more pleasurable than mine.

"You know Williams gonna come looking for us soon, y/n." I said.

"William? You mean the son of a bitch that's your father?" Y/n asked, scoffing.

I nodded in response.

Y/n dragged me to the bathroom, and took a few medkits out of the cabinet.

First, she cleaned my cheek with alcohol and bandaged it. I flinched back when she was cleaning it which made her giggle.

After she bandaged my arms, I thought she was done.

"Uhh... I'm gonna need to you to.. take off your shirt..." y/n said awkwardly, blushing.

I slowly took off my shirt, revealing bruises and cuts I thought no one would see.

Y/n carefully and slowly bandaged my chest and waist, her face red whenever she touched me. I was hiding my face because, well- I probably looked like a tomato.

"Done..." she whispered, running her fingers over my bandage.

"I think you missed something" I told her, gesturing to my lip.

"Oh- okay- sorry about that" she said, cleaning it.

"It's a small cut so it should be fine without a bandage" y/n told me.

"Luckily, I don't think anything is broken" y/n estimated.

"How do you know?" I asked, teasing her.

"My mom is a nurse Michael, I know things." Y/n told me, putting away the medical supplies.

"Alrighty then" I said, standing up from the toilet seat.

"Wash your hands for the cuts on your fists from fighting that bastard back at school." Y/ns said.

"Okay" I obliged, washing them.

"Hey- Michael?" Y/n said, blushing at something.

"Hm?" I hummed, keeping my attention on my hands.

One minute, I was washing my hands, the next, I felt y/ns soft lips on my cheek. She immediately left the bathroom, her cheeks and ears red.

She kissed MY cheek?

The soft feeling of her lips remained on my skin, I blushed.

I dried my hands and walked out the bathroom and went upstairs to y/ns room.

"Michael, we need to talk. About your father." Y/n said, mistakingly making it sound like I'm in trouble.

"Okay.." I said, sitting on the bed next to her.

"You can start when you're ready" y/n assured me.

"So... ever since I was young- 5 maybe, my father would abuse me, Evan, and Liz... first it was just punching and yelling, but ever since I've gotten older- around 14, 1984 it's gotten way worse. It's turned into full on beating us up, Louder yelling, degrading- stuff like that..." I said, fast and all in one breath.

I meant to just say that my father abuses us but once I started, I couldn't stop.

I cried, I didn't mean to but I just did.

Y/ns POV

Michael cried. He sobbed. All I could do was hold him.

"I killed my brother" Michael confessed.

"What?" I said, in disbelief.

"My sister to" Michael added on.

"When I stopped letting you over on summer break.... back in 83'. I just wanted to pull a prank on him. I stuck his head in fredbears mouth. Me and my friends. Jeremy, mark, them. They don't want anything to do with me anymore. They just hang out with me because you do. We stuffed his head in Fred bears mouth- and- it closed on him. It snapped his neck. There was blood everywhere. It got on me. Before- he was having nightmares. I scared him with that mask you see in my room. I'm sorry, you're probably scared of me now. It was his birthday. You were out- somewhere. I'm just glad you didn't experience it with me." Michael sobbed out. I was surprised.

He murdered his brother? Not murdered. It was an accident. He just wanted to prank him. It's not his fault.

"My sister- um... we were at my dads new restaurant and my father told us not to go towards circus baby... and- He told me to keep Elizabeth away from her.... They fought- and- later I couldn't find her. I thought she wouldn't go if I just gave her arcade money instead.. I called Henry to look with me and I found her bow- the red one she always wears in front of circus baby. There wasn't even that much blood- just a few streaks near her stomach. And-  I still don't know what happened. Whether she ate her- or- I dunno." Micheal said, quickly.

"Uh- no. I'm not scared of you Mike. It wasn't your fault. You just wanted to prank him. It was a mistake, an accident. You're not a murderer and you're not a killer. And your sister- it wasn't your fault. Your father is to blame for that. He made a animatronic that could kill people." I reassured him.

All we did for the next hour was lay down and cuddle. At least that's what Michael wanted to do.

Michaels POV

I didn't mean to confess that. I don't think I was ready. It just came out. Like word vomit. I wasn't supposed to tell anybody. I swore. I swore to my father. He said he'd do something bad.

Y/n comforted me as I vented to her. I didn't mean to tell this much though. Eventually I stopped crying and just hugged her.

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now