PLAYING: treehouse - toastool
"Do not enters written on the doorway, why can't everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay."
TW; cuts, starving, self harm
Monday2:52 PM
I slid the blade across my soft skin once again, seeing the blood beginning to ooze out. My warm tears soaked into the cuts, making them burn. What did I do to deserve this? I went to cut myself again when there was a knock on the door, making me drop the blade in the sink.
"Y/n, want lunch?" Henry asked through the door, probably knowing the answer.
"Not hungry." I replied for the 3rd time since I've been here.
Yesterday, I didn't eat dinner. And now, I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch.
I heard him sigh and walk away, so I went back to what I was doing. I moved on to my thighs, once again gliding the blade onto my skin, making me slightly wince. It was painful, but in a good way.
I went to cut myself again, but as I started, I heard the door open, making me cut myself in a much more jagged way. Also making me cut myself deeper.
"Y/n don't do that!" Michael said, taking the blade from me.
I didn't make eye contact with him, I knew I'd tear up.
"Hey. Y/n. Don't do that okay? You're worth so much, you don't need to do that. It's not your fault okay?" Michael said, grabbing my cheeks with his hands, forcing me to look at him. Also, squishing my cheeks.
I looked off to the side, tearing up.
He hugged me, and I just stayed how I was.
"Let's clean you up, Hm?" Michael asked.
I nodded, and he went to the bathroom to get a medkit.
He took some rubbing alcohol and put it on a cotton ball.
"This is gonna burn a little, okay?" Michael told me.
"Okay" I muttered.
He first took my wrist and cleaned it, I flinched back a bit and teared up.
He finished and checked on me.
"Hey, you're okay alright? Don't cry, I love you okay?" Michael comforted, rubbing my back soothingly.
He moved on to my other wrist and did the same thing, this time putting the bloody cotton ball aside and getting a new one out of the pack.
He checked on me then moved on to my thigh. As he cleaned I flinched again, crying a bit.He stopped to comfort me.
"Hey it's okay, alright? Don't cry, you'll be alright..." he said, hugging me.
He wiped my tears and finished cleaning my leg.
"See? That wasn't so hard now, was it? You did so good! I'm so proud of you!" Michael praised.
"All I need to do is wrap it now, alright? You're almost done, hang in there." Michael told me, wrapping my wrists and my thigh.
"You did it! I'm so proud of you! You're so strong!" Michael praised once again, making me blush.
"Have you eaten? Are you hungry?" Michael asked.
I nodded my head no.
"Well I'm not gonna force you to eat, alright? But you need to eat soon okay?" Michael informed me.
"Okay" I answered.
Michael laid me down on my bed with a blanket, and laid down next to me.
I hadn't slept in a while, so I drifted off to sleep with Michael just fine.
5:36 pm
I stirred as I felt my head throb.
I slowly sat up and wiped my eyes to clear my vision.
I looked too where Michael was previously sleeping and saw an empty spot.
I got up and looked at my nightstand to turn on my lamp. I switched it on and to my surprise, there was a small bowl of grapes and a note.
The note read,
"Please try to eat y/n, I went out to the shops to go get you some stuff you may like. When you're ready, go downstairs. Henry has a surprise for you. - Mike <3".
I looked over at the bowl and thought of how unappetizing it looked to me.
I decided to just try one, it might make my head feel better.
I took the cold grape out of the bowl and bit it.
I gagged a bit but chewed and swallowed it anyways.
I felt a bit queasy but continued to eat.
As soon as I finished, I put on some socks and opened my door to head downstairs.
"Y/N!" Ian yelled, running up to me and hugging me.
"Hey bud." I greeted him, patting his back.
"Henry has something to tell us!" Ian said, jumping up and down.
"Alright, let's go then." I told him, walking to the living room.
"Y/n! We were just about to come get you. Seems like Ian found you first. Sit, I have news!" He rambled.
I sat down and waited for him to speak.
"Well, um... I know you guys don't wanna go to foster care so.. I decided to adopt you guys! If that's okay with you- of course.." he awkwardly told us.
"Yeah yeah! Say yes y/n! Pretty please?" Charlie agreed and asked.
My eyes lit up as soon as I realized what Henry just offered.
"Yes! Of course!" I agreed with a smile on my face for the first time in a while.
Valerie got up and jumped around out of happiness, her pigtails bouncing with her.
6:42 pm
Since then, I've gone back to my room to draw a bit.
I heard my door open, I turned and saw Michael with grocery bags in his hands.
"I bought you stuff" he stated, holding up the bags so I could see.
"What'd you buy?" I asked him.
"Look yourself" he told me, putting the 2 bags on the bed.
I opened the first bag and there were my favorite flowers, a pretty flower vase with a red ribbon around it and my favorite chocolates.
"Aww, thank you Michael!" I looked at him, smiling.
I opened the other bag which had more chocolate, my favorite chips, my favorite soft drink and my favorite candy.
"Michael you didn't have to buy me all of this!" I told him, tearing up a bit.
"Figured it'd make you feel a bit better, so...." He said, his voice trailing off.
"Thanks, means a lot." I said, hugging him.
"You're welcome, wanna watch a movie?" Michael offered.
"Sure!" I agreed, patting the spot beside me.
We ended up watching titanic, and we both fell asleep peacefully that night.

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader
FanfictionYou and Michael have been best friends since you were 6, in the first grade. Now, you are 17, about to be seniors in high school. Over the years, you've gained feelings for Michael. And little do you know, he's gained feelings for you too. But you d...