Glow up.

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PLAYING: Material Girl - Madonna

"Cause we are living in a material world, and i am a material girl"

Tuesday morning

Last night, you went to bed at 7pm. This morning, you woke up at 4. For one reason and one reason only.

A glow up.

Yesterday, you called your old friend Catarina and told her about Michael after Jeremy left. She said she'd help you tomorrow morning, and here you are.

Your friend is currently giving you a whole morning routine and blasting music at 4am, just for the sake of making someone jealous.

First person

I admit, it's nice putting so much time into myself. Thoroughly washing your hair, washing your face with all types of soaps and creams and stuff.

My friend Catarina finished my skin care and hair care and went over to my drawers and picked out some clothes.

A crop top and a skirt.

Oh hell no.

"Cat i am NOT wearing that." I said, pushing it back towards her.

"Why not? Are skirts not cute?" She asked, frowning.

"They are, but not on me!" I said, taking the clothes and putting them back in the drawer.

"Then what kind of clothes do you like?" She asked, scoffing.

"I like- i dunno, my style is like... skater girl?" I said.

"Got it." She said, throwing clothes everywhere.

Suddenly, smells like teen spirit by nirvana came on.

"Ooh! Nirvana!" I said, running over to the radio to turn it up.

"Found your outfit!" Catarina said, throwing clothes at me.

"Green Metallica converse...Perfect!" I said, going over the clothes.

You changed and re-fluffed your hair, you looked amazing. If you could have a crush on yourself, you would.

Catarina did your light makeup and styled your bangs, then she was done.

"OMGOMGOMG YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Catarina squealed, jumping up and down.

"Thank you, where are you at school anyways?" I asked.

"Usually in the back, that might be why you never see me." Catarina said.

"Who's classes do you have?" I questioned.

"Mrs.Dalieer!" Catarina said, rolling her eyes.

I gasped.

"Oh my gosh, me too!" I said.

"Bring your Walkman y/n!" Catarina told me, handing it to me.

"Okay! Are we ready?" I asked, checking the time.


"We need to go NOW cat, cmon!" I explained, grabbing my baseball cap from the bed and dragging her downstairs.

We grabbed our bags and went out to the front door.

"How are we gonna get there?" Catarina asked, panicking.

"Cmon, get on my skateboard! You'll fit!" I said, rushing onto it.

Catarina got on with me and we hurried off to school.

School, 7:45

Luckily, we got here early because we rushed. Me and Catarina are currently walking to class, and EVERYONE is looking at us. In a good way at least. Do I look that good? I dunno. I'm going to introduce my other guy friends to Catarina later, Jeremy told the guys what happened so i don't think they are gonna sit with Michael today. Suddenly, I heard mark speaking.

"Y/n? Helloooooooo?" Mark said, waving his hand in my face.

"Dude! Get your grubby paws out my face, what do you want?" I asked.

Mark put his hand down.

"I just wanted to hang with you, I heard about what happened. Geez." He said, walking with us.

"Oh- sorry, this is Catarina!" I said, introducing them to eachother!

"Hi!" Catarina greeted, blushing.


"H-hey!" Mark said, blushing back.

"WELL, seems like you two have chemistry, I'm going to leave you to it andgotomylockerbye!" I said, hastily.

I walked over to my locker and stuffed my things into it, keeping my Walkman.

I put on highway to hell by AC/DC and continued to walk to class.

I walked into class and saw Catarina and mark waving me over, but I also saw Michael waving me over.

Obviously, I chose cat and mark, because.... Well yknow.

I sat next to mark and he started blabbing his mouth again, lol.

"Y/n, you look REALLY good. Like so good everyone is staring at you. Literally every guy to exist is looking at your outfit." Mark exaggerated.

"Ohhh not EVERYONE is looking at me mark. Talk to cat or something, I'm listening to music." I said, turning my music back up.

Class started and everyone else sat down.


First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now