important A/N

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I forgot to put this in the last chapter, so here you are.

Thank you so much for everything, I know I've said this so many times but this time I really mean it.  We have come so far so fast, we're already almost at 4k reads. I'm so grateful for all of your support, I couldn't have gotten this far without you and your help. Every time I hit a new goal I get so excited and so happy, it's amazing.

Thank you much, I originally just started this for fun, not thinking anyone would read it. But now here I am, consistently publishing chapters for all of you guys. I appreciate you all so much, and I'm so happy to write fun chapters for you guys.

Thank you so much, you guys mean a lot to me.

Thank you.


First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now