7 weeks & 3 days.

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PLAYING: 7 Weeks & 3 Days - Yungatita

"It's been 7 weeks and 3 days"

Big time skip, more than 7 weeks & 3 days but it's the only song I could think of. Lol

Friday, April 29, 1986

2:01 pm

Me and Michael walked into class, joking and laughing about him tripping down the stairs earlier before class.

We sat down and went silent as the teacher began talking.

"The school year ends in 2 weeks, there should be an announcement addressing the prom times soon." The teacher informed, earning murmur from the class.

I looked at Michael and he looked back, blushing. I looked away while he remained eye contact.

We heard a loud ring and most people plugged their ears.

"Hello everyone! Principal here, prom is in 2 weeks! The school year went by so fast! Prom is on may 20th. So to the ladies; make sure you find you prom dresses. Guys; make sure you find something else nice to wear. Enjoy your last 2 weeks everybody, principal signing out." The principal said.

The teacher decided to be nice and let us talk for the rest of the period, so that's what we did.

"Michael, are we gonna go to prom?" I asked.

"Of course dumbass, it's our senior year we have to" Michael replied smartly, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off man" I playfully said, punching him in the arm.

Michael yelped and stopped talking, laughing to himself.

I thought of what dress I was gonna wear for prom, then it hit me.

I'm gonna have to wear a dress, I really don't want to.

"Are you fucking kidding me" I said aloud, earning a confused look from Michael.

"What?" He asked.

"I have to wear a dress to prom" I said.

"No shit Sherlock." Michael replied.

"Oh shush, you know i don't like dresses" I told him.

"It's only one time you'll be fine." Michael reassured me.

"I suppose." I said, looking at the clock.

2:34 pm

Time to go already?

I packed up any belongings I took out of my bag and stood up.

"Time to go, pack up" i told Michael.

He obliged and packed his things and went to go stand by the door with me.

The bell rang as students rushed out the door, ready for the weekend.

Me and Michael walked out of the door after most people left, and started walking outside to his car.

"Whatcha doing this weekend?" Michael questioned.

"Dress shopping, obviously." I replied.

"Okay, I was probably gonna go hang with mark and Jeremy so that's fine." Michael told me.

We got in Michaels car and turned on the radio like always.

"What do you wanna listen to?" Michael asked me, giving me a bunch of tapes.

"Mmm... AC/DC" I said, putting a random tape into the tape slot.

Michael turned up the volume and it turned out to be Back In Black.

"This remind you of anything?" Michael asked, smirking.

"For sure." I said, smirking back.

Michael started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Want McDonald's?" Michael randomly asked, pulling into the parking lot where the McDonald's was.

"Sure, I'll take a (your choice of meal)."

"Okay" Michael said, going into the driveway.

Michael ordered his desired meal then ordered mine, and pulled up to the window. He payed and gave me my food.

"Thank you" I said, eating a fry from the bag.

"No problem" he told me.

We drove back to Henry's house, enjoying our McDonald's.

Im sorry for the short, boring, useless chapters, the story is ending really soon. I don't really have any ideas to write about, therefore these chapters are useless. This is why I've been doing major timeskips. Anyways, there will be a sequel to this story- if you guys want that of course. If not, I'm working on another story now.
Well, let me know if you want a sequel and I will go ahead and write one. Bye guys, xx

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