Two can play at that game.

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I decided to give you guys drama. Hehe.

I suppose we should get onto the chapter, shall we?

I will start putting a song dedicated to each chapter now! Listen if you want x


PLAYING: fool - Frankie cosmos

"You make me feel like a fool, waiting for you"

"Y/n? are you there? Are you okay? Class is over. I have your stuff..." I heard Michael call out.

I sniffled and unlocked my stall door. Why am I submitting to the guy I'm crying about?

I heard Michael drop our stuff and run to the door.


The door slammed open and I immediately collapsed into Michaels arms. He hugged me back. I knew I'd have to come up with an excuse. I can't just go, "I'm jealous of that girl you've been staring at all day". That'd make me look like an attention seeker.

I could just say that someone passed in my family. Sure, that'll work.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay. Breathe for me doll, breathe. It's gonna be okay, I'm here. Calm down. I'm here. Shh..." Michael said, sitting down and shifting me onto his lap.

Isn't this the girls bathroom? Whatever. No one uses the bathroom on the first day.

After about 5 minutes, i calmed down. I washed the tears off of my face with water and was ready to go back to class.

We were walking to 3rd period when Michael questioned my breakdown.

"Hey y/n what happened? What was wrong?" Michael cautiously asked.

"Oh uh.... Family member died. I just thought of it... that's all. Yeah." I said. It rolled of my tongue amazingly for a lie.

"Oh... sorry for your loss. You can talk to me anytime. Yknow that, right?" Michael said, deciding not to poke around.

Can I really?

"Yeah, mhm."

"Cmon doll, this is our class." Mike said, trying to cheer me up with the nickname.

As we walked in, someone caught my eye.

He looks... familiar.

I know who that is.

Damian. From 8th grade.

Where has he been? I have an idea.

"Omgomgomgomgomg Mike!" I said, acting excited.

"Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat y/n" he said, copying me.

"Isn't that Damian? From 8th grade? Remember?" I said, glancing at him. He's seemed to notice me too.

"Oh. Uh- yeah sure." Mike said, sounding annoyed. I completely forgot he didn't really like him.... Makes it even better.

Damian came over to us, eventually. I put on a smile and stood in front of Michael.

"Y/n! Long time no see!" Damian said, walking up to me.

"Hey dami, how have you been?" I said, using his old nickname.

"I've been good how about you?" He asked.

"Oh I've been good! Just hanging out with Michael!" I said, batting my eyelashes.

He blushed

Oh my gosh he blushed.

Suddenly, I heard something.

Michael scoffed and went to go find a seat.

I'm guessing he's jealous?

Like he wasn't checking out a girl 2 hours ago.

I should go sit with him.

"Well I think Mike found seats for us, I'll catch you later! At lunch maybe?" I said, backing out of the convo slowly.

"Y-yeah! See ya!" He said, going back to his seat.

I went to go sit next to Michael.

"Nice seeing old friends sometimes, yeah?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Yeah I guess so. Let's just pay attention class is about to start." Michael said.

He broke eye contact.

Michael broke eye contact.

He's lying.



"You broke eye contact."

"No I didn't."

"You did."

"I didn't!"

"Yes you did Michael"

"I DIDNT!" He said, raising his voice the slightest bit.

I teared up a bit.

He knows I don't like it when people yell.

That was our first fight.... The first fight we've ever had.

I felt my eyes tearing up more.

I just decided to put my head down and pay attention to class. It turned out to be math.

I could tell Michael regretted yelling at me, I could see it in his eyes. I didn't care though.

After class, lunch period.

Michael had tried to make it up to me, and I'll say, it worked. We're currently sitting at lunch like we normally do. The silence is uncomfortable though, not comfortable like it usually is.

Michaels other friends saved the day though. Well- our friends.

Mark, Jeremy, and Fredrick walked over.

Hi guys! Where have you been? Jeremy said, sitting down.

"Hanging out with the one and only y/n" I said, emphasizing my name.

"Wow Mike, ignoring us to hang out with your girlfriend?" Mark said, sarcastically.

"Wh- she's not my girlfriend!" Michael replied.

"Sureeeee we all see the way you look at her!" Fredrick said.

"oi, you 3, shut it. We aren't dating!" I said.

"Aren't dating YET." Mark said.

"Oh my gosh shut up all of you, your giving me a headache." Michael said, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, lunch is almost over anyways. We spent it bickering." I said.

"I'm telling everyone your dating!" Jeremy said, getting up and running off.

"Jeremy get back here you fucker!" I yelled out, getting up and chasing after him.

First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now