Couple goals.

502 5 73

PLAYING: everywhereigo - Babyxsosa

"Everywhere i go, they all know my name"


It's lunch right now, and literally everyone is coming up to me and talking to me to ask if I'm okay. Did Michael start a rumor or something? I should start one about him.

"Ohmygod Catarina why is everyone coming up to me it's so ANNOYINGGG" I complained, shaking her.

"Well.... I mayyy have started a rumor that Michael beat you up?" She said, flinching as she saw me slowly take my hands off of her shoulders.

"You WHAT?" I said, smirking.

"Started a rumor." She said, confirming it.

Just then, another girl came up to me, asking if I was okay once again.

This time, I knew why.

"I'm okay.. the bruises still hurt though.." I said, rubbing my arm under my sleeve to try to make it look believable.

She gasped and walked away, gossiping to her friends. Apparently, the word got around pretty quickly. The next thing I knew Michael was in a corner and people were throwing food at him. I felt kinda bad, but he deserves it. Right?

Damian came up behind me and pulled me out the crowd.

"Dude what are you doing?? Now is not the ti-" I said, but was cut off by him,

"Look, y/n I wanna say one thing okay?" Damian said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Go on..." I said.

"I-I like you y/n. I've always liked you, from the day we met to now. I under stand if you don't like me back but..will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh my god.

What the fuck.

This is so weird.

I could make Michael jealous.....


"Yes." I said, acting flustered.

"May I?" He asked, gesturing to kissing me.

"Mmhmm" I hummed.

I'm gonna have to get used to this.

He kissed me.

And, I'll say.. he's a horrible kisser.

I kissed back, even though I didn't want to.

I pulled away when I wanted, and he pulled away as well.

"So your my girlfriend now?" He asked.

"Yea." I said, why would he ask that? Total weirdo. My life sucks. I don't want to pretend date this dude but I kinda have to.

(Y/n stfu u don't have to)

We walked back in the lunch room when everyone stopped throwing food, mark, Jeremy, and Catarina were looking for me.

"Y/n where have you been?!" Catarina asked frantically.

"I just went to hide out in the hall, calm down."

"So you gonna tell 'em y/n?" Damian asked, Jesus. Why does he want everyone to know?

"Oh uh- you can." I said, plainly. My friends look at me with confused looks on their faces, I stuck up one finger to them, gesturing them to hold on.

"Me and y/n and dating now!" Damian said, wrapping his arm around me. I felt the need to gag, but I coughed instead to cover it. Everyone had confused and surprised looks on their faces.

"I'll be right back!" I said, gesturing my friends to follow me.

Once we were out of his way, I told them what I was doing.

"Look, i don't actually like Damian. Im doing this to make Michael jealous. So DO NOT ship us or I will legitimately puke on you." I said, dramatically.

"Okay go off!" Mark said.

Catarina didn't say anything, she just nodded in agreement.

"Secrets safe with us!" Jeremy said, goofily.

We went back over to Damian, which was on his phone so we just talked and whatnot.

I saw Michael beginning to walk past us, probably just to give us dirty looks.

I went over to Damian, and when I thought Michael was looking,

I kissed him.

I held onto the kiss for a while, then pulled away. I looked at Michael,

And he.



I smiled to myself that I made him angry, giggling a bit.

The bell rung, so I took my backpack and walked to my lockers.

As I got closer to my locker, I saw someone.

Rather two people.

One of them was Michael.

Why's he at my locker? Did he wanna talk?

Then I saw Angela.

And it clicked.

"What the fuck are Michael and Angel MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF MY LOCKER?" I said in a slightly raised voice.

I felt how I did when me and Michael fought all over again.

But I mostly felt jealousy.

Why am I jealous? I'm supposed to be making him jealous. Not the other way around.

Why do I feel like this? I feel angry. I wanna cry.

I felt warm tears drip down my chin. Am I crying?

I shouldn't be.

Why am I crying? I don't care about him, do I?

Do I still love him?





First love / Late spring - m.a. x reader Where stories live. Discover now