IV. propheticam inevitabilem mortem

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"WAKE UP MEEKS. Or you will be late for the train to hell." A male British voice yelled. On the screen was shown A tall, slim honey blonde curly haired boy with emerald green eyes as he walked into Aurora's room, to see the room empty. He scrunched his eyebrows an anxious look immediately plastered across his face.

Aurora stared at the screen longingly. She dearly wished for her brother's presence right now.

The Girls, boys, non binary started swooning on the shown boy.

"I am already up, Brother. How can I miss a train going to Hell. I also can't wait to see my damned Gryffindor friends too." Aurora said with her posh British accent. as she came out of the bathroom dressed in usual black trousers, black blouse with a leather jacket on top. She was wearing black shoes. And hair hair was half tied and the other half down.

When the Wixen heard this they all looked sad and angry about how she mentioned them.

The scene changed to Aurora who was finishing up her work as a praetor so her illusion herself would have less to do in her absence.

The Wixen looked shocked, they didn't know how powerful their "Chosen One" was.

Then Aurora quickly shadow travelled at the Hogwarts express.

The Greek and Roman party were shocked by how easily Aurora teleported using shadow travel.

As she went aboard she stared looking for her real friends. Finally she found her friends they greeted her warmly. Aurora was going to tell them something her godmother and Trivia had told her a few days ago. But they weren't alone.

The Hall leaned in. They all knew how secretive Aurora was and were interested as to what was the mystery.

"We aren't alone." Aurora observed.

This compartment had only one occupant, a man sitting fast asleep next to the window. The Hogwarts Express was usually reserved for students and she had never seen an adult there before, except for the witch who pushed the food cart.

The stranger was wearing an extremely shabby set of wizard's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was flecked with gray.

Sirius looked at Remus in concern.

"Yeah. But he is sleeping." Blase said

"What were you going to tell us, Aurora?" Daphne asked

"I was going to tell you what my godmother said to me. When we were alone."

"I don't think he will eavesdrop." Draco said

"Who d'you reckon he is?" George asked as he bit his Apple.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," whispered Aurora and Theo at once.

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