VII. Accipe quae te fata ligant

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"Only Aurora." Lucifer said amused while Olympians looked at Aurora shocked.

Medea was one of the few mythological figures that really stuck out to her and she knew if something happened she wouldn't let herself kill her.

First of all, she got a bad ending, she was abandoned like Ariadne by Theseus and just because Medea wanted to get her revenge doesn't she is evil. So why isn't she getting the same treatment as Ariadne?!

No one had an answer except Celeste and Rhea.

"Men." Both of them said.

"The facts are messed up, she was bloodthirsty." Zeus pointed out he wanted to go on but Rhea's glare stopped him.

Patriarchy. Was the answer that came to Aurora's mind.

Celeste nodded. "No one liked empowered women."

Medea didn't look keen on attacking her either, she just smiled at Aurora whenever she caught her staring at her.

She knew why Medea was bitter about Jason after all his namesake was the man who destroyed her life, After helping him.

The others except Aurora, Atlas and Piper weren't functioning just nodding at Medea.

The princess gestured toward the cosmetics counter. "Shall we start with the potions?"

"Cool" Jason said.

"Guys," Piper interrupted, "we're here to get the storm spirits and Coach Hedge. If this -princess- is really our friend-"

"Oh, I'm better than a friend, my dear," Medea said. "I'm a saleswoman." Her diamonds sparkled, and her dark brown eyes glittered like Aurora's does sometimes although Medea's was more evil. "Don't worry. We'll work our way down to the first floor, eh?"

Leo nodded eagerly. "Sure, yeah! That sounds okay. Right, guys?"

Atlas rolled his eyes, Aurora knew he would be bitter towards mythological ladies who are considered evil after his accident with Medusa.

"Rhea gave her son a stern look.

"She tried to kill them in Atlas' defence, I am truly sorry but Medea doesn't need defending for her sins." I said.

"Of course it's okay." Medea put her hands on Natasha's and Jason's shoulders and steered them toward the cosmetics. "Come along, children."

the other three didn't have much choice except to tollow.

It had been a long time since Aurora had been in a department store, her wardrobe summoned whatever clothes she wanted and she had no reason to buy other things, and she couldn't say she was glad to be back.

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