III. Vere scire est per causas scire

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ATLAS DIDN'T KNOW WHY, like he didn't know anything, but every cell in his body was telling him to run, to take Meeks' hand and run, run far away

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ATLAS DIDN'T KNOW WHY, like he didn't know anything, but every cell in his body was telling him to run, to take Meeks' hand and run, run far away.

Good thing he never listened to his impulses.

he looked at Aurora, he could tell, she was also having the same thoughts.

Jason was very talkative, saying everything that came to mind, in hopes that Aurora would be his answer.

"I have a feeling I am not supposed to be here." Jason's voice trailed off as they lowered a four-story manor painted baby blue with white trim. The wraparound porch had lounge chairs, a card table, and an empty wheelchair. Wind chimes shaped like nymphs turned into trees as they spun. Atlas could imagine old people coming here for summer vacation, sitting on the porch and sipping prune juice while they watched the sunset.

On the highest gable, a bronze eagle weathervane spun in the wind and pointed straight in their direction, as if telling them to turn around.

"Oh gods I am really not supposed to be here." Jason muttered.

Aurora closed her eyes and immediately sea breeze picked up.

"Did you made the breeze?" Someone in the hall asked Aurora, she reluctantly nodded.

Atlas could relate to Jason and by the looks of it Aurora too. He also felt he wasn't supposed to be here either.

"You'll get used to it eventually, It was hard for me too." Aurora opened her eyes, the sea breeze gone as fast as it came.

Jason nodded. "And how long have you been here."

"About two years." Aurora answered.

Then he heard hooves on the front porch.

Aurora cleared her throat "Chiron," she said. "These are.... Atlas and Jason. They showed up this morning without their memories."

Atlas got the feeling, he had seen many weird things. But even with his memories gone, he could tell a half horse man being a camp director was the most bizarre thing he had seen in his nineteen years of living, instinctively his hand went to his ring and just when he was about to unleash his sword, Aurora stopped him, shaking her head at him

But Jason had it worse than him he backed up so fast he almost tripped.

From the waist up Chiron was human, with curly brown hair and a well-trimmed beard. He wore a T-shirt that said World's Best Centaur, and had a quiver and bow strapped to his back. His head was so high up he had to duck to avoid the porch lights.
Chiron started to smile at Jason. Then the color drained from his face.

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