III. Fata viam invenient

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Aurora woke up with a start

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Aurora woke up with a start. She was unsure about what she saw. The dream consisted of her seeing a vision her great ancestor Thalassa saw.

In the Dream everything was destroyed, her whole world, both worlds shattered. Now Aurora would be lying if she said. She felt sorry for the Wizarding World. She didn't. All her life they have been cruel towards her.

Nevertheless Aurora shook those thoughts away and got out of the bed. She had no other choice other than to move on, From that dream although she could never fully move on, how could she when she saw her family'a doom and that there was a prophecy about her, that Aurora till this day was oblivious about?!

Aurora was in deep thought when she saw her friends Theo, Blase, Pansy, Daphne, Luna, Fred and George Weasley.

They looked at her in deep concern. She supposed they saw her bad mood.

It was Blase who first voiced the concern. "Hey, Aurora are you alright?"

"I am fine." Aurora said. But she supposed she didn't sound sure or looked sure. So she just left. Running away from her problems as always. As she left she faintly heard Theo's voice. "I have Charms with her, I will make sure she is fine." He left to go to her direction.

"Alright then." Blase sighed defeatedly.

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Aurora's lips pursed in disdain as she looked over the Gryffindor table especially over her dear Friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley her patience was running thin. She had to endure these poor excuse of as school and people, on top of that she had a dragon dream that her ancestor had before her.

Things couldn't get anymore worse....

Just when Aurora was wishing her beloved Hades's presence, or her brother Atlas's or her Papa's Poseidon's presence. Something happened ...

By something Aurora meant that a portal appeared. The chit chat died down. As everyone stared at the uninvited guests.

In the portal there were standing, Cornelius Fudge (to pretty much everyone's distaste), Amelia Bones (Aurora's godmother), Nymphadora Tonks (Who hated when she was called by her first name), Andromeda Tonks with her husband Ted Tonks, the Malfoy's, The Weasley's with it's full members, much to Aurora's shock, Mad-Eye Moody, Madame Zabini, Madame Longbottom, Sirius Black (Aurora's godfather), and Remus Lupin.

"What's the meaning of this, Dumbuldore?" Fudge exclaimed accusingly.

"I am afraid I don't know what you mean, dear Minister." Dumbeldore answered calmly

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now