LXII. Ipsa historia repetit

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AURORA LOCKED HERSELF IN THE BATHROOM, she put on a Silencing charm, which muffled the protests of Silena and the others

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AURORA LOCKED HERSELF IN THE BATHROOM, she put on a Silencing charm, which muffled the protests of Silena and the others.

Her legs gave out, her head knocking back against the wood, and she slid against the door.

She looked at her wound, the arrow shot in her heel which was dripping slowly, painting the tails crimson.

Hades and Poseidon groaned.

"Her luck is something else." Set said, Osiris and Isis glared at him.

Knox, the one person Aurora could never imagine would've shot her. Shot her.

Maximilian, Asael, Aeron and Helena sighed.

And Something told Aurora the place which she was shot at was pure irony.

Isis nodded

She didn't know how long she sat there with her bleeding Heel, and her hands muffling her cries.

But soon Me and Isis came standing in front of her.

Aurora slowly began to raise her head, sensing the shift of light.

She groaned at my sight, I lowered myself and sat in front of her. "Hades wanted to come you know, but Chaos forbade."

Hades nodded at Aurora.

Isis nodded as she caressed Aurora's cheek.

"And they sent you two?" She asked.

Isis slowly nodded her head. "Aurora, let me—"

"No. Isis, please. let me bleed in peace"

"No. I will not let you die. Aurora. I simply will not." Me and Isis said.

Aurora mock laughed.

Someone started banging at the door and desperately screaming 'sister.'

Aurora groaned. "It's Percy."

"You are saying like it's the greatest discomfort." Percy said to his sister.

"It's just. I didn't want to figure out what would happen. If you saw them." Aurora said

"You aren't going to let him in?" I asked.

Aurora shook her head.

"Aurora. I know someone who died from that wound—" Isis started to say

Aurora snorted. "Achilles. Yeah, I like to think I know all about him."

I sighed. "Aurora. That arrow was...." I stopped myself.

"What?" Aurora asked her eyes now looking directly at me.

"It was the same arrow which Paris shot at Achilles." Isis said quietly.

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