LXI. Dulce bellum inexpertis

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PERCY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHOCKED HIM THE MOST, the sight of his sister or the dead silent city

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PERCY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHOCKED HIM THE MOST, the sight of his sister or the dead silent city.

There stood Aurora leaning against Argus's car who seemed to be talking with her although not verbally, it's like they were reading each other's thoughts.

Aurora nodded.

But that's not everything. Aurora, his sister seemed to be in some sort of armour? She had a golden chest plate decorated with metals. and a cape, but unlike the blood red she often wore, it was sea green cape embroidered with gold fell from one shoulder. The one their father wore fighting their uncle Zeus in his vision when he was twelve.

She had plain leather black trousers and long black boots which seemed to have heels.

Aurora quickly snapped her head to look at her brother.

And Percy very loudly gulped. The girl was Aurora alright his sister Aurora. But then again she wasn't.

This Aurora she had a small, nonexistent, arrogant grin on her full lips. Her eyes now seemed to mask some sort of darkness in them and her eyes eerily glowed like Hestia's although this was much, much powerful, her shoulder length hair seemed to be in her usual small bun.

She seemed to be cleaned up, there was no trace of blood, ichor or dirt on her, except the blood and ichor under her nails. Other than those things Aurora looked perfect.

"Aurora is, Perfect." Hades said, Poseidon nodded.

Percy could literally feel how everyone froze behind him, analysing Aurora from head to toe.

"Hot." Isabella said loudly and then covered her mouth when she realised she said it out loud.

Blaise nodded. "Very hot."

Nikki nodded. "I think I had a crush on my sister."

"What?" Aurora demanded.

"It's nothing it was just a girl crush." Nikki waved her off.

Aurora fucking smiled.

Then finally some managed to come out from whatever trance Aurora had them in, those were, Silena, Malcolm, Natasha, James, Rhys, Cressida and Isabella who demanded Aurora for explanations.

Percy hadn't seen her since his vision in Styx she and Isabella were in that vision pulling him to the shore.

Aurora gasped.

"I think it's time to remind you, brother that I am in a relationship and you aren't my type." Aurora said.

Wilder, Hermes, Apollo, Nikki and Blaise laughed.

"What?" Percy managed to ask his mouth ajar.

"It's concerning how long you have been staring at me." Aurora said.

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now