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𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖞'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜:

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𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖞'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜:

FINDING A NEW PEGASI, wasn't a frequent occurrence much less catching it, they were always afraid and tried to get away always, this Pegasi who was the whitest Percy had ever seen was no exception.

"Whitest?" Poseidon mouthed.

Chiron asked Percy to tame it and find some common tongue, after the meeting about Princess Andromeda's ruin.

He, Beckendorf, Cassiopeia and Natasha, were tasked to sink Princess Andromeda. He didn't mind Cassiopeia and he liked Beckendorf, he was a cool guy but Natasha? Natasha was a major problem she hated his guts and if Percy was honest he didn't feel much better about her either.

"Feels great it's mutual." Natasha said.

But the weirdest thing was Natasha was friends with his sister Aurora, who he was told visited Camp often. Yet, not once he had seen her other then that one visit she paid with Nico at his school about, Bathing in river Styx.

"You Aren't serious." Poseidon said to his children.

That idea frightened him more than his sister. Which spoke volumes at least to Percy because something major happened in one year span since, Aurora changed entirely, like from head to toe, Percy meant from outside she was the same 13 year old girl he met at Westover Hall, although this one had more prominent under eye bags from lack of sleeping and was more beautiful like she already hit her puberty (which she did), she was 15 now, she wasn't a child anymore she was a young Lady.

But from the inside she changed 360 degrees, she was impulsive, would get angry and annoyed easily, it looked like it took her all strength not to go on a killing spree, avoided people like a plague and she became more closed off, more arrogant like they didn't deserve her presence, Percy would go as far and say her arrogance matched Apollo's, her mood swings matched their father Poseidon's, one time she was all shits and giggles and the next second she would stab you without any hesitation.

Aurora looked insulted but then again that was exactly how she felt.

Aurora also thrived in strategic meetings and combat missions. The red cape she'd gotten (from Ares, according to her) made her utterly unstoppable, it was blood red and as it flowed behind her, it gave the image of her enemies' blood dripping, though obviously it was just an add on to her supreme skill. She was the camp's best sword fighter, according to Chiron the best swordsman in five hundred years, the one who would match her would be Daemon Bellātor another scary guy. He had silver hair like their strands, violent purple eyes and was Aurora's only living relative from her Mother's side.

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