LXIV. Fortuna caeca est

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HERE IS AURORA'S DEFINITION OF NOT FUN. Fly a pegasus toward an out-of-control helicopter. If Guido had been any less of a fancy flier. They would've been chopped to confetti.

Hermes and Apollo laughed.

Aurora could hear Rachel screaming inside. For some reason, she hadn't fallen asleep, but she could see the pilot slumped over the controls, pitching back and forth as the helicopter wobbled toward the side of an office building.

"Ideas?"Percy asked Aurora.

"You're going to have to take Guido and get out," she said.

"What are you going to do?"

In response. she said. "Hiyah!" and Guido went into a nosedive.

"Duck!" Aurora yelled.

They passed so close to the rotors she felt the force of the blades ripping at her hair. They zipped along the side of the helicopter, and Aurora grabbed the door.

That's when things went wrong.

"Of course it did." Atlas groaned.

Guido's wing slammed against the helicopter. He plummeted straight down with me on his back leaving Aurora dangling from the side of the aircraft.

There was a glimpse of Rachel's curly red hair, her face flushed with panic. She thrust out her hand. "Grab on!"

Aurora eyed the hand for a second before reluctantly grabbing it.

"It's not the time for pride." Triton said.

Aurora clamored inside, her body shaking with adrenaline.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked worried.

"Fine." Aurora answered as she breezed past her into the cockpit and shoved herself into the seat and quickly buckled herself in. Rachel grabbed onto the back of her seat. "Do you know how to fly one of these?"

"Uh.... We'll see." Aurora said, as she looked over the engine.

"Come on. I taught you basic manoeuvres." Atlas said frustrated.

"It's a yes or no, question." Rachel screamed over the wind.

Aurora smirked as she pulled the cyclic lever.

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