XXXVIII. Per noctem in nihilo vehi

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JUMPING OUT OF A WINDOW AT 152,4 METRES WASN'T AURORA'S IDEA OF FUN. Especially when her brother wasn't around.

Atlas nodded, "It's not safe."

She plummeted toward the valley and the red rocks below. Aurora was pretty sure she was going to become a grease spot in the Garden of the Gods, as Annabeth yelled from somewhere above her, "Spread your arms! Keep them extended."

Aurora let out a laugh that seemed like something Atlas would tell her. And as soon as she spread them out, the wings stiffened, caught the wind, and her descent slowed. Aurora soared downward, but at a controlled angle, like a kite in a dive.
She laughed, experimentally soaring upward. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss flying. Well, it wasn't particularly flying, but when they were younger Atlas, Jason and Aurora would jump from the top of Jupiter's temple — about 18,29 meters. It wasn't a long fall, but Atlas and Jason could manipulate the wind to extend it. So maybe she'd missed falling. It was nice to clear her head and put her problems into sharper perspective.

The boys smiled at the memory.

Percy seemed to love it too despite Zeus/Jupiter's and Poseidon/Neptune's ongoing rivalry and the fact that he threatened Percy. he was still swooping and soaring like a bird set free. Aurora thought that's how Icarus must've looked.

Me and Daemon flinched.

Aurora looked behind her and smoke billowed from the windows of Daedalus's workshop.

"Land!" Aurora yelled. "These wings won't last forever."

"How long?" Rachel asked.

"I don't think you want to find out"

They swooped down toward the Garden of the Gods.

Percy did a complete circle around one of the rock spires and freaked out a couple of climbers. Then the six of them soared across the valley, over a road, and landed on the terrace of the visitor center. It was late afternoon and the place looked pretty empty, but they ripped off their wings as quickly as they could. Looking at them, Aurora was right. The self-adhesive seals that bound the wings to their backs were already melting, and they were shedding bronze feathers. It seemed a shame, but they couldn't fix them, and couldn't leave them around for the mortals, so they stuffed the wings in trash bins outside the cafeteria.

Aurora used the tourist binocular camera to look up at the hill where Daedalus's workshop had been, but it had vanished. No more smoke. No broken windows. Just the side of a hill.

"The workshop moved," she guessed. "There's no telling where."

"So what do we do now?" Percy asked. "How do we get back in the maze?"

Isabella  gazed at the summit of Pikes Peak in the distance. "Maybe we can't. If Daedalus died...he said his life force was tied into the Labyrinth. The whole thing might've been destroyed. Maybe that will stop Luke's invasion."

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