IV. Ultimus Acherontis

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THE CAMPFIRE BROUGHT ATLAS WARM FEELINGS, he saw a memory although he didn't quite remember  the people,  Aurora didn't seem to be with him, he could make out a beach and there was a campfire lit, Atlas felt happiness  at the memory

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THE CAMPFIRE BROUGHT ATLAS WARM FEELINGS, he saw a memory although he didn't quite remember  the people, Aurora didn't seem to be with him, he could make out a beach and there was a campfire lit, Atlas felt happiness at the memory.

Celeste and Rhea smiled.

He was with three people, one was his mother he guessed, because the woman had the same green eyes as Atlas, there was also the other woman who looked eerily similar to Aurora, they shared the same brown locks, smile and lips, looking at Atlas with the same warmth as his mother, the only way Atlas distinguished who was his mother was because they shared green eyes and the woman looked too much like Aurora, to a point it was scary, how much they resembled.

Now everyone tuned their attention to Aurora and Celeste, the resemblance was truly great.

there was a man too, he had mercury grey eyes sitting next to his mum, he looked at Atlas lovingly, like a father, Atlas frowned at the resurfaced memory, if it was his family, let's say his mother and his aunt, who was the man? He already had a god as a father, maybe the man was his stepfather?

Rhea smiled at the memory of Phoenix, Zeus rolled his eyes.

"Zeus. You need to stop whining like a five year old." Rhea said to him.

"How can I when-"

"I love Phoenix as a brother-"

"A brother which you happen to marry."

Rhea raised her eyebrow sternly.

Zeus frowned when he realised what he just said. "I didn't mean that."

"I married him so our son wouldn't be called bastard. You left me, should I remind you that?" She arched an eyebrow.

Zeus looked away. "I married you and then we had-"

"We were married in secret, we were forbidden to tell others and then you stopped contacting me,
I was left pregnant, my sister was gone saving the world, Sirius and Remus were fighting in the war, Peter with them. Regulus destroying horcruxes with Celeste. I was alone, with no one except Phoenix. What was I supposed to do Zeus?" Rhea asked. "To let my son get called bastard? For the Wizarding World to banish me?!"

Zeus closed his eyes, he reached for her hand but she pushed it away. "No Zeus!"

But this Campfire was different, Atlas was now sitting beside his sister, not with his mother, half a dozen campers with guitars and lyres were jumping around, leading a song about pieces of armor, something about how their grandma got dressed for war. Everybody was singing with them and making gestures for the pieces of armour and joking around. As the energy level got higher, the flames did too, turning from red to orange to gold.

Finally the song ended with a lot of rowdy applause.

Chiron trotted up, brandishing a spear impaled with toasted marshmallows.

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