XXXIV. Semper percutiatur leo vorans

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(A/N: I thought Aurora was INTJ but turns out she is actually INTP, Nyx Blackfire is INFP and Hades is INTJ

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(A/N: I thought Aurora was INTJ but turns out she is actually INTP, Nyx Blackfire is INFP and Hades is INTJ.)

THEY SETTLED IN A CORRIDOR MADE OF HUGE MARBLE BLOCKS. It looked like it could've been part of a Greek tomb, with bronze torch holders fastened to the walls. It had to be an older part of the maze, and Annabeth decided this was a good sign.

"We must be close to Daedalus's workshop," she said. "Get some rest, everybody. We'll keep going in the morning."

"How do we know when it's morning?" Grover asked.

"The sun. Oh wait, you can't see the Sun." Set said laughing.

"Just rest," she insisted.

Grover didn't need to be told twice. He pulled a heap of straw out of his pack, ate some of it, made a pillow out of the rest, and was snoring in no time. Tyson took longer getting to sleep. He tinkered with some metal scraps from his building kit for a while, but whatever he was making, he wasn't happy with it. He kept disassembling the pieces. But eventually he closed his eye and began to snore.

Aurora and Isabella settled next to each other. Aurora took out her sleep mattress which made her remember an inside joke between her and her brother.... Atlas, she laughed a bit, although when everyone stared at her weirdly she covered it with a cough.

Atlas and Aurora started laughing.

Atlas.... He quickly became a sore spot for her. It always was but now even more, she missed him, wether she wanted to admit it or not. She missed how he would tuck her to sleep when she was small, how he would kiss her on her forehead and say bonne nuit. She missed how Atlas would hold her close when she had a nightmare or stay up for hours because Aurora's gut was telling her something bad was going to happen, she missed his Science and Maths lessons, or how he would ask her to memorise the multiplication table and ask some of it, she missed.... She missed her brother, one that was always there for her no matter what.

"I still am." Atlas said wrapping his arms around his sister.

"Hey." Percy said to her and Isabella. Aurora quickly tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Hello." Aurora replied.

"You two must sleep." Percy said to them.

"I feel that you, brother have a conversation to have with Isabella so I will check the place for possible threats and come back." Aurora said getting up.

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now