XV. consequentia sunt dirae

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1. Greeks are real.

2. a twelve year old girl is a Greek Goddess

Aurora really wanted to express her confusion with something like: "What the Fuck." But Percy beat her and said something more intelligent: "Um... okay."

Atlas died of laughter. because he couldn't believe his cousin's stupidity.

Annabeth and Sally rolled their eyes.

But That was nothing compared to Grover. He gasped, then knelt hastily in the snow andstarted yammering, "Thank you, Lady Artemis! You're so... you're so... Wow!"

Everyone laughed at Grover's reaction, while Grover blushed

"Get up, goat boy!" Goth snapped. "We have other things to worry about. Annabeth is gone!"

"Whoa," Bianca said. "Hold up. Time out."

Everybody looked at her.

She pointed her finger at all of them in turn, like she was tryingto connect the dots. "Who... who are you people?"

Diana's expression softened. "It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask whoare you! Who are your parents?"

Bianca glanced nervously at Aurora, to search for comfort and/or for encouragement, Aurora nodded her head and smiled softly. "Our parents are dead," Bianca said, still looking over Aurora for comfort. "We're orphans. There's a bank trust that pays forour school, but..."She faltered.

Hades saddened at the mention of Maria, of course he didn't love her as much as his βασίλισσα, but he still cared for her, not as much he cared or now cares in comparison to Aurora, sensing her lovers emotions Aurora hugged him and tried her best to comfort her although she was a little bit jealous of Maria, she was now dead so she had no reason to be envious towards her, she could not help herself.

Aurora guessed she could tell from their faces that they didn't believe her.

"What?" she demanded. "I'm telling the truth."
She then turned towards Aurora for aid. "Aurora, you know the truth Tell them."

Aurora startled, now everyone was staring at her, she swallowed hard "Bianca, if you want the truth, I myself don't know exactly what is going on, but one thing I know for certain is that they are telling the truth you are a Demigod."

"She is right, You are a half-blood," Zoë Nightshade said.

Her accent and choice of words made Aurora think that she was speaking De Olde English

"One of thy parents was mortal. The other was an Olympian."

"An Olympian... athlete?"

"Now that would be cool as hell." Connor said. Many agreed.

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now