XIX. Juncta juvant

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Instead, Grover and Percy  were elected to carry her. Aurora didn't figure that was because they were the most popular.

While Percy and Grover were tasked with the most important task. Carrying the Oracle to the Attic. Chiron called a council which consisted of Cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy. Apparently there were also Co-Leaders of the Cabin. Like Aurora and Percy because, Dionysus insisted either Aurora would be the leader of Poseidon Cabin or Co-leader. Because apparently Percy is really annoying to his liking and a Brat.

Atlas laughed.
Poseidon glared at Dionysus.

Leaders and Co-leaders of the Cabin Aurora gathered consisted of  Silena from Aphrodite/Venus Cabin. Malcolm from Athena/Minerva Cabin. Natasha and Isabella who she let tag along from Ares/Mars cabin. The Stolls from Hermes/Mercury cabin. There were also a pair of twins from Dionysus/Bacchus cabin.

Aurora asked Natasha, why Sherman and Amara weren't going, as they are the most senior members. But apparently they had broken something, blame goes to the Huntresses.

Ares glared at Artemis.

To go to the Big House was pretty easy. But to figure out exactly which room the Council was held. That took some time to Aurora. Apparently The council was held around a Ping-Pong table in the rec room.

Aurora was shocked to say the least. In her mind a Ping-Pong table wasn't the best place to discuss important topics such as Prophecies and Wars. It was absurd in her mind.

"It is truly absurd." Atlas agreed

But at this point. Nothing shocked Aurora at the Greek Camp.

"Ah, Aurora. Please join us, and how are you feeling dear?" Chiron asked

Aurora felt ashamed, by her whole Fiasco of consuming the Darkness and Strife and then coughing up her blood, and then becoming pale. 
Now after paying a visit to the lake. She felt much better, her veins were once again Blue and Green, her eyes returned to their usual colour Dark Brown. And she once again had Mediterranean Tan.
Unlike her previous messy curls now The wavy and curly  hair was once again back, There was also something else, the voices in her head which started early in the morning were screaming at her to not do it, not consume Darkness and Strife, she didn't listen to them, almost passed out, and still suffers from her headache even after paying a visit to the Lake.

"Great." Aurora answered even though her temples and head were aching. Bianca and Aster smiled at her

"Good if you feel better. I wouldn't want to tell your father that his precious Pearl passed out or Hades. Chaos knows what he would do to me." Dionysus said

"I have warned you dear Nephew. If one hair falls from My Daughter's scalp, I will personally drag you to Tartarus. And with the help of my Brother...." Poseidon smirked looked over Hades, he nodded his head

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