XLV. Respice, adspice, prospice

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A portal starts opening

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A portal starts opening. Everyone gets up and Poseidon, Hades, Atlas, Erebus, Nyx, Thanatos stand in front of Aurora in a protective manner.

In the portal there are 5 men. They seemed to be in a heated argument.

"No. You don't understand." A brunette man with sea green eyes said.

"This doesn't follow the plan." The other brunette said with sea green eyes. To the two black men and one white man.

Then the first one who spoke and had a pointed finger at the black man with blonde hair looked over and saw Hogwarts and the people in it.

"Umm." Was the only thing he said. Poseidon raised his eyebrow.

"This is not what it looks like." The other man said. Now Hades raised an eyebrow.

"Brothers." Erebus and Nyx said staring shocked at the Black men.

Aurora pulled her brother aside because he was blocking her view. She laughed at the sight.

The five men's faces softened at the sight of Aurora.

"Aurora." They said as they went to her and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" One of them asked

"Don't know." Aurora said honestly as the other men walked out of the portal and the said portal closed.

"Grandfathers." Aurora said as the three other men hugged her. Although she hugged the third one coldly the brunette white man with ocean blue eyes.

While the Olympians looked at her in horror.

"Right I suppose we must introduce ourselves." The black man with blonde hair said. "I am Ouranus. Protegenos of the Sky, Father of the Titans, Former Lord of the Heavens."

The Olympians jaws dropped.

"I am Pontus, Protogenos of the Sea, Father of the Waters." The other black men said.

"I am Oceanus. Protogenos/Titan of the River, Protogenos/Titan of the Oceans. Son of Pontus." The third one said. The Sea Crew stiffened.

"I am Eryx. Son of Poseidon and Aphrodite. The General of Poseidon."

"I am Maximilian. Son of Zeus and Arianne Hightower. The General of Hades."

Eryx, Oceanus, Pontus sat down beside the Sea Crew. Maximilian with Hades and Thanatos and the rest of the Dark Crew. While Ouranos sat down near Zeus.

The scene changed, showing the Hogwarts Express.

Aurora first went to her real friends and caught up with them before rushing to her fake friends because Aurora didn't want Dumbuldore or Hermione or Ron suspect anything.

"This is so horrible." Hermione said as she put down the newspaper. "How come the Ministry doesn't know who conjured the dark mark?! I mean.... It happened right under their noses, Isn't there
any security or?"

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now