X. Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis

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"How many times will this kid fall?" Lucifer asked.

But it wasn't he, himself who was falling, it was another blonde boy who was eerily similar to him, but unlike him.... The boy, no older than fifteen had the most breathtaking wax wings, he shouted, he laughed, he flipped the wings, the sunlight casted a halo on him.

Apollo gulped.

He looked like an Angel, and the sunlight just made his features more ethereal, other world like, the boy looked so joyous, blissful, jovial, gleeful, carefree... like a bird.

"Great we are going to watch this again." Hephaestus grumbled.

Atlas smiled, but than faltered, the smile turning into ash, the boy flew higher and higher each passing second, but that didn't seem to mind hisself, instead more happy cries filled the air.... But in that glorious moment.... the wax dribbled down his limbs, As he saw the distant coasts of the Aegean all around,

He fell.....

Everyone gasped around the hall.

He threw back his head and laughed, the winds carrying out his blissful laughter and yells, arms spread wide, teeth bared to the world.

"Why is he laughing when he is clearly falling?" Ron asked.

The wax scorched his skin, blazing trails down his back, his thighs, his ankles, his feet.

The Feathers floated like prayers past his fingers, close enough to snatch back.

Death breathed ignited kisses against his shoulders, where the wings joined the harness.

The sun painted everything in various shades of gold.

Soon the sea, mollified with the rivers' waters at their likeness. A green of vivacity, infested with the blue of the ocean's depths, took his body to the bottom, the body which had cuts all around its ivory surface.... The Angel oozed crimson blood, the sea took care of him, better than the sun ever could, the sea melted the wings, sank the body deeper and deeper, as  the sun became more and more unbearable.... Torrid each passing moment.... Apollo grieved.... He mourned for his lover.... Destruction was not what Apollo intended for him, But this is what happens to all who fall in his wake.

Apollo was devastated to say the least, his twin sister sensing his emotions held his hand.

Atlas saw Apollo, his curly golden hair, with eyes so blue it made the sky envious... He saw Apollo mourning. His blue eyes brewing a storm so horrible, it would made the Sea envious.

Poseidon and Zeus exchanged glances.

The sun in his nucleus raged like wildfire and he was
and he was scorching the skin of Icarus' heart, yet still he pretended that he was safe for Icarus to love, that his hands were gentle, that his fingerprints won't be seared into the notches of Icarus' spine.

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now