XI. omnia causa fiunt

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The scene changes to the end of the Divination lesson

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The scene changes to the end of the Divination lesson.


Proteus, Nyx, Apollo and Hecate looked at her sternly

"What? I just hated her lessons, not Divination itself." Aurora said

"I agree." Theo said

"Your Visions never lie Daughter of the Sea, and the Oracles of the Sea never lie, Darkness and Sea shall always be your ally, My Mistress." Luna said

"What?" Many asked

"Luna is a seer, I am stupid, as I didn't see it before, she sees things and tells us, of course they are riddles but in the end it makes sense." Aurora said

"You aren't stupid, not to mention you always had your suspicions." Atlas said

"She is an Oracle?" Percy asked

"No, a Seer. I thought I already explained the differences." Apollo said

"Oh, Yes, you did Brother." Artemis said

"How on earth did this got here?" Aurora said as she picked up the Crystal Ball

"Leave it Aurora." Pansy said

"This has to be returned." Aurora said

"There is no way I will get back there." Blase said

"Fine I shall do it myself." Aurora said as she went back to the Classroom

"We volunteer you as a tribute." Blase said with a smirk

As Aurora put down the crystal on the table in the classroom, she heard a breath behind her, Aurora quickly turned around and activated her sword.

"Why are you always so paranoid?" Ron asked

"Have at least a hundred enemy always on your back, waiting for you to make one single mistake, so they can strike you, then you will see." Aurora said bitterly.

Her Family all looked at each other, as Hades pulled Aurora in his lap, and started to kiss her head, her shoulders, temples, nose softly. To say he was worried for his Βασίλισσα's safty would be an understatement. As Poseidon wanted to pick his πριγκίπισσα in his arms, he looked down and saw his Sea-Star pulled in his brother's lap, as he gently kissed her. He growled at the sight and glared at his brother. Atlas and Aurora sensed a fight. So Atlas pulled her off his uncle's lap, at that hades whined, and and Atlas went to sit with the Dark Crew.


Aurora stared at her bewildered, Professor Trelawney had gone rigid in her armchair; her eyes were unfocused and her mouth sagging.

Bloodlines || Hades x OC/PJOx HPWhere stories live. Discover now