XVIII. Optimum medicamentum quies est

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AURORA HAD A DREAM SHE WAS 5 AGAIN, but in the dream like always she was looking at everything in a third point of view:

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AURORA HAD A DREAM SHE WAS 5 AGAIN, but in the dream like always she was looking at everything in a third point of view:

"This is going to be fun." Atlas said trying not to have eye contact with anyone.

Little blonde boy woke up, with heavy breathing, he looked like he had a nightmare, who reminded Aurora of little Atlas.

"Atlas?" A blonde boy.... Luke said

"Yeah, it nothing, Luke. It's just a nightmare." Little Atlas said

"What was it about?" Luke asked

"I don't want to talk about it." Atlas said as he stood up

"Atty? Luke?" A little brunette girl. Who could only be Aurora said in a raspy voice as she rubbed her eyes

People in the Hall cooed over little Aurora and Atlas

"You two were so cute." Narcissa said

Aurora and Atlas smiled

"Aurora, how did you sleep?" Luke asked softly

Aurora shrugged.

"Your brother had a nightmare." Luke said

"Is it true?" Aurora asked Atlas.

He nodded his head.

A loud noise made the Trio immediately stand up. And look around paranoid.

"Did you hear that?" Atlas asked. Secretly wishing only he heard and that it was part of his imagination

"Spoiler Alert. It wasn't. Sadly." Atlas said

"No we heard that too." Little Aurora said

A Vicious roar was heard from the Forest. And Atlas was only thinking about one thing. Well, two things actually. One was his sister, Aurora, Atlas was always concerned about her safety. It was evident a monster or in worse case of scenario multiple/more than one monster tracked down the 3 demigods, and know was out for blood the second was the dream...

Atlas had a weird dream that night.

"Hello." A blonde man said with beautiful blue eyes that could make everyone fall to their knees for

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