LXX. Pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina

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After Jason destroyed Krios' throne, he was elected as a Praetor alongside Reyna, because after Aurora and Atlas' performance at the war, the Senate and the people in the Comitia Centuriata unanimously approved Aurora and Atlas as Consuls.

Jupiter, Neptune and Bellona had proud smirks on their faces.

They wore both wore Toga picta ("painted toga"), Dyed solid violet, decorated with lightning and trident imagery in gold thread.

"Lightning - Atlas and Trident - Aurora?" Set asked.

They nodded.

Octavian held two coronets, they were small wreath created from laurels nobilis (bay leaves) that was placed upon the head.

First Octavian urged Atlas forward he bowed his head and Octavian put the coronet on top of his head. He turned to the crowd of Legionnaires and Campers.

He bowed his head at them. "I sincerely thank each and every one of you for this honour. I started from the bottom and now I am here. Standing here. Proving everything is possible. My top priority was always keeping each and everyone of you safe from all the monsters and other evils of this world. And me being a Consul will further strengthen my wish. I also know how many responsibilities are bestowed on my shoulders now. Though, I am not frightened, I remember one of my favourite Character's words 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' And I calm myself. Thank you. Thank you for your faith!" He smiled and waved at the crowd, the camera shifts to the crowd showing applauses.

"If Peter Parker didn't say that. What were you going to say?" Aurora asked her brother.

Atlas shrugged. "I guess we'll never know."

Next, it was Aurora's turn, with a sigh she walked up to Octavian.

"There are a lot of hopes bestowed upon you, Consul." He whispered to Aurora as he put a coronet on top of her head, unlike Atlas, Aurora didn't bow her head.

"Of course not. She is an Ashford." Kai said.

Then she turned towards the crowd and sincerely smiled at them.

"Words cannot describe my gratitude towards everyone. If I start to name, I am sure I will miss someone." Then her face turned stern. "There are many injustice in the world and since I was a little girl I answered it with justice, as a Consul, I will of course continue. Before me here stood my ancestors, my mother. They led Rome into the next golden age. That is my priority, for my name to go down in history with golden letters." She paused, Looking at everyone in the crowd, but not fixing her gaze. "I am Andromeda Ashford of House Ashford. Blood of Devlins. I swear by river Styx that those who would harm you, will die screaming. Ego sum sanguis phenix, Non ego attollere ex cinere. Ego facio eos!" [I am the blood of the Phoenix! I don raise from ashes, I make them!]

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