XXXIII. Vivere est militare

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WALKING INTO THE LABYRINTH WAS LIKE OPENING FRESHLY HEALED WOUNDS, and from experience Aurora could tell you it wasn't good

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WALKING INTO THE LABYRINTH WAS LIKE OPENING FRESHLY HEALED WOUNDS, and from experience Aurora could tell you it wasn't good.

Atlas nodded his head and many in the Hall nodded those who had many wounds especially.

Annabeth was trying her best to guide them but it was less than enough. It ironically was a painful reminder to Aurora how much Atlas tried a few years ago to guide her yet helplessly failed.

Atlas ducked his head down.

It seemed that Isabella and Aurora had the same confusion to Annabeth's guide because she voiced Aurora's thoughts, "Which way now?" Isabella said with a sigh as they reached an archway of eight tunnels. "They all look identical by the way, incase you didn't notice, of course."

Some snorted in the Hall.

Annabeth rolled her eyes seemingly not liking the question one bit, "Yes, I'm pretty sure I know that already, I am not blind", Annabeth answered curtly. "This way", she said definitely pointing at a random tunnel.

Atlas shook his head fondly.

"How do you know? And if Labyrinth was built for Minos and she is Minos's descendant why isn't she leading us? " Percy asked, speaking up for the first time Aurora heard ever since this exasperating journey had started.

She had the same question.

Isabella looked at Annabeth who paled a bit. "Because Isabella hasn't studied as much as I did and to answer your question it's deductive reasoning."

"Are you calling me, Dumb? Annabeth." Isabella asked as she folded her arms.

"No. Just incompetent." Annabeth said as she led the way.

Aurora rolled her eyes and decided to follow her even though every fibre in her body was against it.

"You won't go far with her guide."

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Aurora muttered.

"You're welcome, Sergeant."

Aurora rolled her eyes.

The tunnel she'd chosen narrowed quickly. The walls turned to gray cement, and the ceiling got so low that pretty soon they were hunching over. Tyson was forced to crawl.

"I have never seen a Cyclops crawling, it is surely amusing." Atlas said.

"Shit" Isabella cursed for like the millionth time it seemed to Aurora.

"You alright?", Percy asked from behind Grover as they followed Annabeth through the tunnel.

"Finally speaking to me..are you?", Isabella mumbled under her breath.

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