Chapter 3

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I nodded even though I didn't believe her. I didn't think my life could improve because my dad had died. I swallowed tears and calmed down, listening to the song. When I looked outside the window, all I could see were trees and the sky, and it was not that dark because it was summer.

I closed my eyes and placed my head on the window. All I wanted to do now is to kill the one who killed my dad. Yes. I am a psychopath. Ugh. But it's not like I don't have emotion. I was just a normal teenager until my dad died. I had a lot of friends, I was happy, and everybody else was happy, too.

I really hated the one who killed my dad. Really. Why did they do that? To my dad? Of course, he was the Mafia King, and I was Mafia Princess until my dad died and I became the strongest and youngest Mafia in the Mafia universe. Who was the Mafia Queen? Well, I only knew her as Mrs. Kim, but I heard that she died, and one of her sons became Mafia King.

I looked out the window again. There, I saw a giant Villa behind the road.

At BTS villa: Author's POV

Mr. Kim: Now, now sons, get ready. Mrs. Choi is coming, with her daughter.

Jungkook: But can we trust her? What if she is our enemy? What if she is tricking us?

Mr. Kim: Shut up, Kim Jungkook! Is that how you treat other people?

Jin: But dad, Jungkook might be right, what if she's a gold digger and is pretending to like you because of your money?

Mr. Kim: Jin, you too? Oh god, *sighs*

Jimin: Dad, I know you like her and trust her, but we are just being careful.

Mr. Kim: No you guys aren't! This is called being paranoid, boys. Are you really going to be like this? It's--it's time to move on, boys. I know you are suffering from your mother's death. But--we should admit that she's dead. Alright?

BTS: We miss her. We will try to get used to Mrs. Choi.

Mr. Kim: That's my boys.

Bell rang, and there was a knock.

Y/n's POV

I waited and stood in front of the door. After a moment, a man who looked like he was in his 40s or 50s opened the door, hugging my mom. Then, I noticed him. He is Mr. Kim, the top 1 businessman in the world. And, also has rumored that he is Mafia.

Mr. Kim: Hi, y/n. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Hmmm. *nodding*

Mom: Y/n! Is that how you treat adults? *murmuring to Mr. Kim* Sorry dear, she's in puberty.

Y/n: Mom!?!

Mom: If you don't want to hear that you are in puberty, then be respectful.

Y/n: *turning gaze to phone* whatever...

As I stepped inside, I saw seven boys. Oh my god, seven boys. Seriously?! Mom knew this and brought me here? She knows I hate boys! Aish. Now I had to deal with them this whole night. Ugh, I hate myself. Why did I say I would come?

As I returned my gaze to my phone, someone grabbed my wrist. I shifted my head and saw my mom standing in front of me, angry.

Mom: Choi Y/n!!! Now turn your eyes on that damn phone and focus!

Y/n: *emotionlessly* Focus on what?

Mom: To this situation! Your focus is on that damn phone!

Y/n: Aish fine.

I pushed my phone into my pocket and stood awkwardly.

Then Mr. Kim ordered them.

Mr. Kim: What are you doing boys, introduce yourselves.

BTS: Okay dad.

Jin: Hi my name is Seokjin but you could call me Jin.

RM: Namjoon. Or call me RM.

V: I'm Taehyung. You could call me V or Taehyung.

J-hope: Hoseok or J-hope.

Suga: Yoongi or Suga. I don't care. *Yawns*

Jimin: My name's Jimin.

Jungkook: Jungkook. Whatever.

I nodded and turned around. It was very large. Maybe a little bigger than our house. I yawned and was about to listen to music when my mom spoke. (I will call her Mrs. Choi)

Mrs. Choi: Y/n, isn't it your turn to introduce yourself to them?

Y/n: Why though, Mom? They don't have to know me.

Mom: Ugh just do it Choi y/n!

Y/n: Aish fine. Y/n.

Mrs. Choi: *raising her eyebrows* And that's it?

Y/n: Yes. No more.

Mom sighed as she turned her eyes to Mr. Kim and walked toward him, and they went into one room. Now that Mom and Mr. Kim were gone, I pulled my phone out and turned on the music. The boys were standing awkwardly when I was surfing through Instagram.

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