Chapter 24

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A/n's pov. 

Y/n injected some liquid inside Jungkook, making the boy flinch. He opened his eyes and looked at the mask in front of him. After a while, every member of BTS woke up. Y/n looked at them with cold eyes. Without speaking anything, she turned some video on. Soon, the video was played, brightening the dark room. 

(At the video, the school CCTV record) 

Y/s/n yanked y/n's hair and threw her into the ground. She stepped on y/n's stomach. When y/n tried to take y/s/n's foot off, she didn't. 

Another video started. This time, y/n was walking down the hallway next to the lockers. Then, all of sudden behind y/n, y/s/n poured water on y/n's head. Then she poured flour onto y/n's head. Then with the buffering on the screen, the video was off.

J-hope was the first one to notice that it was y/n and y/sn on the video. Then, Jin, Jungkook, Suga, Jimin, and Taehyung also noticed that it was y/n and y/s/n. Suga, who was the very shocked one, exclaimed. 

Suga: So Y/n was the one being bullied?! Not Y/s/n?

Jin: ...I was stupid. 

Jimin&Taehyung: *Silent* 

Jimin: I'm sorry y/n...

Then, y/s/n was dragged in while tied to a chair. 

Y/s/n: Oppas...! 

Jin: You lied to us. 

Y/s/n: Huh?!

Taehyung: Y/s/n...

Y/s/n: TaeTae--

Taehyung: Don't call me like that! 

Y/s/n: What the--?!

She saw the woman with the mask in the corner of the room. Only her eyes revealed she was staring at y/s/n. 

Y/s/n: Who--who are you?

She opened her mouth, revealing her real voice without faking her voice. 

Y/n: Me? 

BTS: ???!!!!


Yes, I am so sorry for the short chapter. Currently, I am in an exam. (I have social exams 😭😭) I will upload another chapter later!

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