Chapter 32 (Bonus 3)

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A/n's pov

Y/n opened her eyes while being hung on the ceiling. 

Y/n: What the---? 

???: Are you awake? 

Y/n: What do you want from me? 

???: I want you to tell me the big secret of BTS, or your brothers. 

Y/n: *gritting her teeth* Never. 

???: Well then...What if I tell you that I caught your sisters as well? 

Y/n: What? 

Then, Y/n heard Jennie's shout. 

Jennie: Leave Y/n alone!

Y/n: Jennie unnie---? 

???: Do you believe me now? 

Y/n struggled as she heard Jennie's screams. 

Y/n: Why can't everyone leave me alone---?

Then all of sudden, the rope was around Y/n's neck. 

???: If you die, I'll let Jennie go. How about it? 

Clearly [???] expected that Y/n will tell everything in fear. But Y/n wasn't saying anything even though she was sobbing. [???] smirked then tapped on the table in front. The rope was tightened and Y/n started to shake as she struggled to breathe. 

???: do you still want to die? 

Y/n: *chokes* 

But when Y/n didn't answer, [???] continued to tap on the table. Y/n's face started to get white. She coughed blood out while being choked. 

Y/n: I-I w-i-ll tell--*cough* 

???: You're a good girl. 

When the rope disappear and Y/n fell, y/n breathed in and out hard for a minute and stepped towards [???] 

Y/n: Their biggest secret is...

???: Yes? 

Y/n got closer to him and [???] was looking at Y/n with excited eyes. What happened next just happened in one second. 

Y/n took out the small syringe and injected the liquid inside it to [???]. But when [???] didn't lose consciousness after it, Y/n was to another syringe with yellow liquid in it and injected into [???]

This time, [???]'s body started to shake after Y/n injected the liquid. 

Y/n: Do you know what this is? The one I injected into you first was peroxide. Then, the second one I injected into you was vinegar. When these two liquids mix, it creates peracetic/ peroxyacetic acid.

???: Hehehe...But you are dying with me. 

Y/n: What? 

???: This room was being filled with Carbon dioxide...You're still going to die even though you get out now. 

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