Chapter 5

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*language warning*

-I hope you understand that this is not what I think about BTS. 💜💜💜💜

When I woke up, I was in a dark, black room with boxes everywhere. Then, the next moment, I noticed that it was my thing. I smirked bitterly.

So, my mom really decided to live here? After what happened yesterday? Aish. Why did someone grab me? I miss you, dad.

I came out of bed and turned around. Walking towards the door, I noticed that I was wearing clothes with blood on them. Sighing, I walked towards the box and opened the box labeled 'clothes'.

After a few minutes, I changed my outfit and walked out of the room.

After fixing my hair in front of the mirror, I walked out of the washroom and opened the door. I placed my ear pods inside my pocket and slowly walked through the hallway. It was quiet. Too quiet. I can hear my breath echoing over the hallway until I arrived at the stairs heading to the living room.

I thought nobody was awake, but when I went to the living room and kitchen, I knew I was wrong. On the living room couch, there was BTS, watching TV programs, and in the kitchen, there was my mom, humming and cooking. I bit my lip. I quickly hid behind the wall, so my mom can't see me and silently ran through the stairs and hallway. Again in my room, I placed my head on the pillow and sobbed.

Y/n (me): Why?! Why does it have to be me?!

I felt hot tears on my cheeks and sniffed. Then, I heard footsteps. I quickly went into my washroom and cleaned my tears and face. Calming down, I dried my face with towels and came out. I jumped into the bed and lay down again, pretending to sleep. Then, I heard a knock.

Y/n: What do you want?!

???: Mrs. Choi says to come down.

Y/n: I'm not hungry.

???: I don't care. Just come down.

Y/n: *swears under the breath* Fine! Whatever. Who are you? *thinking that she will punch him in the face later*

???: Jungkook. Now COME OUT!! Enough chit-chat!

I jumped out of the bed and put my ear pods into my ears. Then turning on (G)i-ddle's <My Bag>, I opened the door and ignored Jungkook. I walked through the hallway and stepped into the kitchen.

There was everyone, even Mr. Kim, sitting next to my mom. Anger was boiling inside me, but I managed to control it and sat down as far as I can from my mom. I was disappointed; she didn't even give me a glance. When I was just staring at the food, Mr. Kim spoke.

Mr. Kim: Umm, guys? We changed our schedules. We are going to the wedding today evening, so I hope everyone's ready. I contacted the wedding team, so we are ready.

BTS: What?! Today?!

Mr. Kim: Yes. Do you have any problems?

Bts except for Suga: No...

Suga: Yes!!*gulps when he notices that he's the only one to object*

Mr. Kim: Kim Yoongi--

Suga: Okay, Okay. Fine. No objections.

Mr. Kim: Okay. So no problems?

Y/n: No. I have a problem.

Mrs. Choi: Choi Y/n---

Y/n: No mom. Actually, you're my problem.

Mrs. Choi: W--What?

BTS: Y/n, leave your mom--

Y/n: Shut up! Mom, you gave me no time to prepare for this marriage. I will not accept these BTS things as my brothers nor accept Mr. Kim as my dad for a long time after this marriage. Mom, this is the problem of trusting people. You didn't trust me enough to tell me that you are going to marry. That's why I'm not prepared.

Mom: Y-Y/n--I--*sniffs*

BTS: Y/n! You--

Y/n: I said--SHUT UP!!! You are not even my brothers yet!

Mr. Kim: *to Mrs. Choi* Dear, calm down. Let's go to the room and calm down.

After Mr. Kim helped mom to stand up, they headed towards the room, hugging each other. BTS soon started to glare at me after they closed the door.

BTS: Choi Y/n!! We are older than you, so you should obey--

Y/n: Aish are you guys even listening to me? I said shut up, jerks!

BTS: *angry now, so their savageness is appearing* You shut up, you little *(swears)

Y/n: *little shocked* Wha-what? (swears back)

BTS: *smirking* Yes, you --

Y/n: Aish...Shut up, BTS jerks! Now I am going, and I am NEVER going to forget this!


I watched Y/n thumping out of the kitchen and getting to her room. The rest of the BTS, especially Suga, ignored what just happened and continued to eat. I continued to eat too, but somehow I felt guilty.


I wouldn't say I like BTS. I would never say I like BTS. How can mother say that to me? How can they say that to me? Aish now I'm going to get out of this house and go to somewhere else than here. When I packed everything inside my bag, I looked into the mirror.


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Ugh. I hate you BTS. I hate more than everyone else on the earth except for the one who killed my dad.

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