Chapter 12💜

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

After I came back to my room, I stared at my phone screen. Messages that were sent by Yeji about 2 years ago right before she disappears. Yeji who protected me from my sister abusing me (because Yeji's brother was her boyfriend) left and disappeared, causing my sister to abuse me. I'm traumatized by her. I pleaded to my mom every time I see her, but she didn't listen to me. It was my dad who listened to me he sent y/s/n to another school. 

But everything was meaningless now. Because my dad died and my sister is coming back. 

Y/n: Damn it. 

I looked at the screen again. I knew something was odd, but I didn't want to think about it. Like god, who would want to think about something when your life is in danger? Of course, I could live because I'm the 'thing', but I can't just...make my own sister into a living corpse, right?! 

I heard the knock on the door. I sighed. 

Y/n: What's the matter, someone outside the door...

Someone outside the door: Just to tell someone that we want you down at living room. 

I groaned. And I yelled. 

Y/n: Oh come on, don't tell me your gonna talk about that damn rule--

Someone outside the door: No we are not going to but we need to punish you. 

Y/n: Fine. Down in 5 minutes, just wait. 

I was about to stand up, but I started to cough. I tried to stop and went to the bathroom to clean my hand. 

3rd person's pov. 

But she didn't know that she had blood on her clothes. 

Jimin's pov. 

We, BTS, were waiting for y/n in the living room. We sat down on the sofa, deciding to punish y/n. We held the needles in our hands tight. It was a special mafia tool that was invented for torturing. We heard footsteps, but we soon noticed that it was the sound of Taehyung. 

Jimin: When is that b*tch coming down?

Tae: In 5 minutes, she said. 

Jin: we have to torture her? 

Jimin: Yes. We need to show her the consequence of not obeying us. 

Y/n:'s pov. 

I walked down, but I soon stopped when I saw what they are holding. They were needles, a mafia tool, used for torturing about 5 years ago. And I had a trauma because that was one of the tools that were used to torture me when I was once captured by a rival group.   

I stepped back, but I was discovered by Jimin. He stood up and smiled. 

Jimin: Where are you going, Ms. Y/n?

Y/n: Do you think I don't know what is that needle?

And after I said that, I knew I made a big, very big mistake. Their facial expression changed dark and they all stood up. 

Jin: How do you know this? Or, do you even know what this is for sure?

I tried to make an excuse. But it was pointless. 

Y/n:'s just...nee...dle, haha. 

Jin: You are very bad at lying. Just tell us the truth. You know what this is, right?

Y/n: *breathing heavily* Yeah, fine!  It's...ha--

And I turned my focus around, realizing that everyone is staring me, holding needles in their hand. I exactly knew what it was. 

It was an electrical needle that caused pain to the victim by making the electricities pass through the body; it could even kill people. 

Tae: B*tch, back to earth!

Y/n: Who calls who b*tch? *Coughs*

Jin: Saythetruthy/nifyouknowtheanswerbecause--

Y/n: Shut up because I am going to say it. 

Jin: Don't cut through my words. 

Y/n: Oopsie, my mistake. 

BTS except for Jin: She's doomed;;

Jimin: Go ahead, say it. We're waiting; say it before we use it on you. 

I stepped back, shaking my head from side to side. I felt my lung being squeezed, and I heard a high-pitched sound from my ears. I looked around for Yeji, the only one who could save me from this situation, but all I could see was BTS, and I had only one choice left. 

When they use this needle on me, I am going to die because my body is going to break up when the needle meets. I couldn't die; I had to revenge for my father's death. I told them what I knew about the needle. 

Y/n: It's the torture tool that uses electricity over the victim's body. It could kill people who are allergic to it; like me. 

Jimin: Wait-how do you know it?

Y/n: Because I've been tortured in the past. 

Tae: But how can we believe you? Maybe you got information from the government. 

Y/n: Don't tell me you are going to use it on me--please don't...

Jin: Guys? If her words are true-

J-hope: It won't be. Only few of 'them'  are allergic to it. Same kind of people like us. And she can't be the one. 

Kook: But--she might be!

Jimin: Let's just do it. What are you waiting for?

I gave up, but I did what I could, I called clicked the SOS button on my watch to call Blackpink. 

But it was too late; I felt the cold metal touching my skin and passed out. 

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