Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

When I was looking scrolling the screen down, I felt the gazes of the boys like a laser beam. I started them back and snapped at them.

Y/n: What?!

They all mumbled something which I didn't understand even a tiny bit. I turned my focus to my phone again, now on Youtube. But again, I felt the gazes of the boys and snapped again.

Y/n: What do you want?!

They all mumbled again and looked somewhere else excluding me. Then, I saw all of their clothes had a logo printed: 'BTS'

BTS? Is that kind of brand?

I searched on Google because I was curious.

Oh my god, the next thing I saw, I will never forget. What I saw was picture these guys standing in front of me, were everywhere. The first picture I saw was this.

They are k-pop idols?! Who are they? I searched on Youtube, and I saw all of their songs, which reminded me that I listened to these songs once or two. Ugh. What am I, the world's biggest jerk? Choi Y/n! Get up!

Again, I felt their gaze on me again. This time, I couldn't control my temper so I yelled at them.

Y/n: What's wrong with you guys? What do you want?! Just say it, don't stare at people like that?! Okay? It feels--

Before I could continue my words, my mom stormed out of the room and shout at me.

Mrs. Choi: Choi Y/n!!!!! Don't you dare to speak to your elders like that?!

But I cut her words.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all my fault. I shout at them because of no reason, and they are all one hundred percent innocent, and what explains that is puberty?! Mom! Seriously it's not my fault! They looked at me weirdly at first! Ugh. What the--

And finally, someone believed me.

Mr. Kim: Boys, what did you do to y/n? Can you explain why she is so irritated? Any words boys? Explanations?!

BTS: No dad we didn't do anything.

When I was about to explode maid came in and announced to everyone.

Maid: Sir, dinner is ready.

Mr. Kim: Yes, you may go.

He sighed and led everyone into the hallway and to the long table.


When I actually said I didn't do anything, I felt a little guilty. Because I did stare at her. Now y/n was about to explode when the maid came in and announced that dinner was ready.

Dad led us to the kitchen, while y/n was almost thumping.

We sat down on the chair, including everyone, as my dad opened his mouth.

Mr. Kim: So, Mrs. Choi and I have discussed this, and we decided to get married.

What?! WHAT THE--Why?

Mr.Kim: As you know we love each other a lot, and we've known each other for a while.

That was when y/n spoke.

Y/n: And when did you guys start dating?

Mr. Kim: T-two and a half years ago.

Mrs. Choi spoke, smiling.

Mrs. Choi: I am glad to accept you as my family, boys. We will get married after one week.

Then, I heard glass breaking.

Suga POV

I heard glass breaking, with crack. I turned around. Then I saw y/n shivering, with her bloody hand, and glass broken into pieces. She shouted.

Y/n: How could you do this?! I even didn't know you guys are dating until today, and now you are getting married?! Without telling ME the truth, and telling right before the wedding? What the actual **** is this?

I stood up and walked towards her because I knew we should treat her wounds but she stepped back without noticing that she had stepped on the glasses, breaking them into hundreds of pieces again. Now she was trembling, with tears falling, and blood falling down. Suddenly she trembled and ran outside the door, and disappeared into the darkness.

Mrs. Choi fell down the chair as y/n ran out, but my dad caught her and hugged her. He ordered me and Jin.

Mr. Kim: Jin and Suga, go and find her, right now. *he whispered to Mrs. Choi, still shivering* it's fine dear. She will come back.

I walked towards Jin Hyung, and we headed to the car.


I ran until I saw the bridge in front of me. Silvery Han River. It was sunset, and it was so beautiful. But despite this view, my situation was terrible, and I just swear to my mom. I felt a sudden pain. I glared at my right hand, seeing my hand bloody, and gulped. I whispered.

Y/N: I miss you, Dad. I miss you so much, I want to join you. Let me go to you while I can. Why? Why does my life have to be like this? Why??

I stared at the Han River. The river reminded me of dad. Always there for me, always wise, and always caring. Maybe he was there for me. But not anymore. But I can go to him. I took a deep breath, and I stood on the handrail of the bridge. I took a deep breath. I thought I heard someone shouting my name. But I ignored it. Nobody, nobody can stop me. Taking another deep breath, but someone grabbed me.

Suga POV

I saw one figure on the handrail. Then, I recognized the figure. It was y/n. I shouted to Jin Hyung.

Suga: Hyung!!! There!!

Jin: What the **** is she doing? Surely she's not trying to suicide..?

Then she bent her knees.

Suga: Oh My God Hyung stoppppp!!!!!!!

And even before the car stopped (clearly Hyung ignored me) I opened the door, jumped out, grabbed the neck, and dragged her to the car.


I blacked out for a while and found myself in a new room. It was all bright and pinkish everywhere, which I hated. And I saw boxes around me untouched, and I noticed that it was my things. So mom decided to move here? Oh fine.

I stood up and saw my hand in bandages. Wait, what happened?! Then I remembered everything.

I went to Han River and tried to ... right. Ugh. I had a headache. I suddenly remembered my dad so much...he used to come to me when I was so sick...I was about to burst into tears when Suga came in. I changed my face into an emotionless face because I thought he saw my tears.

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