Chapter 18

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Seeing them forget about me felt actually felt very betrayed. 

Y/n: *murmuring* I--shouldn't have trusted you...

When I felt somebody tapping my shoulder. It was Yeji, who hadn't appeared here for a while. 

Yeji: Y/n, I'm sorry--

Y/n: Sorry unnie. It's too late. Bye. 

 I left the place quickly, trying hard to ignore her voice that didn't stop. I ran 

out of the gate and hid under the bush. I cried silently, thinking of the result of trusting other people. I wouldn't say I liked the fact that I was betrayed and wasn't trusted by anyone. 

Y/n: Is this what I get for saving others from danger...? 

I stood up and yelled at the mansion. 

Y/n: I hate you! 

I hid behind the wall as I heard the gate creak open. I heard two boys' voices, and I was really shocked. It was Taehyung and Jimin. Then, they found me looking at them. Their facial expressions turned dark and attacked me. 

But you know, I wasn't the mafia queen for no reason. Because I wasn't staying at their home anymore. I kicked them in the face and stabbed their hands because they got their guns out. I heard Jimin swear.

Jimin: Shit! It was y/n...I knew there was something fishy about her, huh...

I glanced at the mansion and sighed. I sat down on the bench on the road and was about to stab myself. But then, someone touched my shoulder. 


I'm really sorry about my stories being short. Today, I was really pissed off at school. So what happened was I was practicing Danso, the traditional Korean instrument during the break time after lunch. (at recess)  

And one of my classmates was like: "why are practicing that after not brushing your teeth?" 

And I was like: "why do you even care? It's mine *lol*" 

And guys, do you know what he did? lol he sweared at me.  he'd be like: fuck stop laughing the shit out of you. 

Like I've been so pissed off. do you think i should have sweared him back? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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