Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

I went down with Yeji because she said we needed to tell my mom about this. I silently walked through the hallway. Yeji didn't talk, too. When I was heading down, I met Mr. Kim. He said hello to me and was about to go to his room (obviously he made the sign 'Mr. Kim' and attached it to the door) when he found Yeji holding my hand. 

Mr. Kim: Y/n? What were you doing with the maid? And you, I thought I warned you to stay away from Kims. 

I was angry when everyone was blaming on Yeji for me holding her hand even though it was me who held her hand. So I snapped at Mr. Kim, not meaning it.

Y/n: She is my friend and I am holding her because I am worried that your sons will abuse her again. 

Mr. Kim: What the f—*unable to discontinue because Mrs.Kim cut into his word* 

Mrs. Kim: Y/n, don't you dare to speak against your dad?! [author: I know I say this often]

I was so angry that mom was taking Mr. Kim's side rather than her daughter's. I was so angry, I lost control and yelled at her. 


Yeji tried to stop me but I stopped her by giving the signal. 

Yeji: Y/n control yourself--

Y/n: Leave it Yeji. Can't you see? 

I lost control of myself. I couldn't control my anger and sadness. My tears burst out as my mom and Mr. Kim stood dumbfounded when Yeji hugged me tightly. 

Y/n: *sobs* C-can't you see-see that m-my own mom l-loves h-her b-boyfriend more?! Like I'm n-not h-her family?

Yeji: *tries her best to calm y/n down* Shh...Y/n, calm down. It's not like that. She...she's just getting used to her life. Like life after--

Y/n stood up and stared at her mom. 

Y/n: Yeji!! It's not that I'm angry at Mr. Kim and mom's relationship. 

Yeji: Then...what is it?

Y/n: *sobs* It's y/s/n. She's coming back. Like mom literally knew that fact and she made her arrival faster!

A/n's pov

Yeji was surprised when she heard about y/s/n's arrival. She shot a disappointed look at Mrs. Kim. 

Yeji: Aunt...I thought you loved your daughter. 

Mrs. Kim: *shocked* I-I do!

Yeji: *hugging y/n who's flinching and sobbing* Then how could you make y/s/n's arrival faster?!

Mrs. Kim: I-I thought they could warm up!

Yeji: *very shocked and disappointed* Then you don't know y/n and y/s/n. 

With that Yeji tried to calm y/n down as she held y/n's hand and dragged her outside. As Yeji was hugging Y/n, there was the one who heard everything. It was nobody than Yoongi. 


I'm sorry about the late updates & short chapters. But I've been busy with school because it's soon the end of the vacation. So I hope you could understand!

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