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After a week of coming back to Cloud Recess with Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian was going through their storage room searching for something that could help him with his new invention. An old artifact that can take people to the past. That's what he was working on now. A time travel device. Wei Wuxian was determined to redeem his mistakes. He vowed to bring his people back to life. That's when it got his attention. Even though sect leader Lan, His Xichen Ge strictly told him to not touch anything mysterious, this glowing blue butterfly didn't fail to catch his attention. It is very similar to that messenger butterfly but bigger and brighter. It was in the far corner of the room. The curious being approached it without a hesitation and it was inside a glass cage. He touched the glass, purposefully ignoring Lan Xichen's words and


A dark blue glow with a loud noise took his consciousness and the next second he fell down.

Wei Wuxian was in that same place that served as his home, when he opened his eyes. Demon Quelling cave. But what shocked him more was the faces surrounding him. It was them, the dead but never forgotten...

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