Part 60

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Wei WuXian shrugged, palms facing out, "Now that the shirts are gone, it's time for the trousers."

Lan WangJi wanted to get up, but his leg was injured. Due to the fight that they had gone through and the fury within him, the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't do it. His entire body felt worn out. With an intense rage, he really did cough up a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Wei WuXian immediately squatted down and tapped a few of the acupoints on his chest, "Alright, the bad blood is out. No need to thank me!"

After the mouthful of blackish blood had been spat out, Lan WangJi immediately felt the pain and irritation within his chest lift away. Looking back on what Wei WuXian did, he finally realized.

As they climbed up Dusk-creek Mountain, Wei WuXian found that Lan WangJi looked worse than usual. It must've been that an energy of gloom had collected within his chest, so he purposely tried to scare and provoke him, so that he could let out the blood that he had been holding in.




"Bhuhuhu HAHAHAHAHAHAHA", Just as Jiang Cheng wanted Wei Wuxian laughed out loud. The deadpan expression on their face was more hilarious than Lan WangJi's.

"Why are you all looking like you saw a ghost?", he asked clutching his stomach

"You".. Lan SiZhui pointed his fingers to him, "you could have just say that"

Not my fault for all of you having a dirty mind", Wei Wuxian said, spreading his laughter all over the dimly lit cave. "Uncle I'm not as bad as you think". Lan QiRen coughed off his awkwardness and didn't bother to make a comment, "Good heavens, he didn't do anything to WangJi", he thought.

Lan Xichen, "If anything, you should be the one to be careful" advised his brother-in-law. "You should never tease WangJi especially when he is jealous"

"Were you thinking something?", still Wuxian decided to tease Lan WangJi.

"No", Lan WangJi huffed

Nei HuiSang snorted, "he must be really disappointed when you teased"

Although he knew that it was out of good will, Lan WangJi still seemed a bit annoyed, "... Can you not make this kind of joke again?!"

Wei WuXian protested, "It's very unhealthy for blood like this to be held in. It gets out with just a scare, though. Don't worry—I don't like men, I won't take advantage of the opportunity and do anything to you."

Lan WangJi, "Ridiculous!"

Wei WuXian found out long ago that Lan WangJi's temper was especially bad today. He didn't protest any further and waved his hand, "Okay, okay. Ridiculous it is. I'm ridiculous. I'm the most ridiculous there is."

"What did you say? ", Lan Jingyi cracked up. "This should be the most funniest joke I have ever heard in my life"

"Apparently he doesn't like men", Jin Ling couldn't stop himself, "this is the same man who in the future declaring that Lan WangJi is his type"

Jiang Cheng sighed loudly, clearly annoying his ShiXiong. "How his interest changed from 'not liking men' to 'only like you', is still a mystery"

"I said what I said", Wei Wuxian argued back, "because that time.. ", Lan WangJi looked at Wei Wuxian with a smug face," complete that sentence", an open challenge to say it again. Under the heated gaze Wuxian was slowly burning. He stuttered, "bec ... because I .. Nothing, alright, I thought I liked women"

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