Part 8

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Since there was no way to get out, they decided to just settle there and enjoy the torture. Together they flamed some talismans enough to light the place. The fetid air from the blood pool was covering their senses. In the familiar place Wei Wuxian specifically pointed some spots to be avoided before they decide to sit on the rocks. The place was too filthy for the Lans. But they didn't seem to mind at all.

The young master seemed to be quite pleased, poking Wei WuXian forcefully on the nose, "You dared to tell on me, and look at you now, playing dead on the ground! For whom? As if anyone actually wants these piles of junk! Now that I've smashed everything, let's see how you're gonna tell on me in the future! Are you proud of yourself just because you've studied cultivation for a few years? Well, how does it feel when you've been kicked back home like a stray dog?"

"Is this how they treated him? No wonder he took the extreme measure to take revenge", Lan QiRen said.

"So if they mistreat you then you can take revenge ? That is not wrong ? "WuXian asked. He just wanted to poke fun at that old man. But of course the other person got the underlying meaning.

Wei WuXian thought wearily, "I'm not pretending to be dead at all, since I've actually been dead for a couple of years. Who is this? Where am I? When did I do something as immoral as stealing another's body? ". As the group went away, silence fell upon the room.

Wei WuXian thought about getting up. However, his limbs failed to uphold themselves, so he lay down again. He turned on his side and stared dizzily at the strange environment and the heaps of mess on the ground. A bronze mirror rested on the side, probably thrown onto the ground. Wei WuXian grabbed it and looked into the mirror, only to see a ghastly pale face, with two asymmetrical piles of red on each side of his cheek. Add a blood-red tongue onto the features, and he would look like a hanged ghost. He tossed the mirror to the side and wiped his face, finding his hand covered with white powder.

The crazy Mo XuanYu was hilarious. The Lan juniors started laughing, so XiChen said, " I know he looks different but it is rude to laugh at someone especially based on their appearance".

"Oh No. Sect Leader, we are not laughing at his facial features. We just got reminded of what happened at the time we were in Mo Manor", JingYi said.

"Why don't you guys just shut up and watch? ", Wuxian was getting embarrassed of what was coming next. The early day he spent as Mo XuanYu was definitely not worth mentioning.

Fortunately, the body wasn't born this way-it was only one of the owner's penchants. He was no-doubt a man, yet he was covered with makeup (not to mention, badly applied makeup). Ugh, how unbearable! Taken back by the shock, some energy came back to him, and he finally sat up, noticing the circular array* beneath him.

The array was scarlet in color and crooked in shape, appearing to be drawn by hand, using blood as the medium, still damp and emitting a strong scent. The array was filled with warped scribbles of incantations, which were somewhat smudged by his body, but came across as gruesome nonetheless. After all, Wei WuXian was known as the Supreme Leader and Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, so he was most certainly accustomed to vile-looking arrays such as this one.

It turned out that, in fact, he did not seize the body of another-he was offered one. It was an ancient, forbidden technique. Compared to an array, it resembled a curse more. The caster of the array injures themselves by creating incisions on their body, and draws the array and writes the incantations using their own blood, finishing by sitting in the center of the array. They can then summon an extremely villainous ghoul and ask for it to complete their wish. The price to pay was to offer their body to the evil spirit, with their own soul returning back to Earth. This was the forbidden technique opposite to stealing another's body-offering one's body.

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