Part 51

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Heyyy 👋👋.......

It's been two days since my last update and nobody was curious?? I'm a little sad😕😕..were you waiting for the update? Anyway here is a new part  and it's a bit lengthy compared to the earlier few chapters..... Enjoy 😀


"Now what's happening?" Lan SiZhui asked, considering the screen went off into complete darkness. He tried to light a talisman but the paper barely burned, "now thisssssssssssssss , he pulled his hair. "why is this not working anymore?'

Since the cave is covered in pitch black they could only listen to his frustrated voice. "SiZhui what is happening? Why are you screaming? ", Lan Jingyi got a little scared of this uncertainty.

"Well this stupid screen is off now and this stupid darkness above all I can't light a talisman" Lan SiZhui worded out. With his rude and impolite tone nobody could guess those words were from a Lan. Both Lan JingYi and Jin Ling were startled at the unexpected outburst of their friend.

"You can't lose your calm now, SiZhui. Haven't we encountered dangers before? ", Lan Xichen asked calmly even though a thousand questions were running through his mind.

"Bofu", his tone was quite a rise, "that was dangerous and we knew it. We were prepared for it. This we don't even know whether it's for good or bad"

"But is there anything you can do by losing your temper when fighting with an unknown enemy? ", Lan Xichen asked again. "You are right. We don't know whether it's good or bad. But as cultivators we also know that we should be ready to face anything at any time. In this situation you being restless won't do any good", he reminded the younger.

"Lan SiZhui, Don't forget you are a Lan. This is not how you should handle ambiguous circumstances ", Lan QiRen couldn't contain his anger down to his mind. No matter where they are, the Lans are supposed to be calm and phlegmatic. But the juniors nowadays were proving them wrong and acting like rebels.

Startling everyone, Lan SiZhui screamed on top of his lungs. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND". 

Never in his life has he ever raised his voice to an elder before.

"You don't understand... You ... you will not understand", he withered into a ball crouching down to the floor on that messy cave.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian who initially didn't pay attention to the frustrated teenagers had their full attention on them now. At first they thought it was a new experience for them so it was natural for them to feel restless and corny. But for experienced cultivators and seniors it was normal to fall into mysterious tasks while they are out for their job.

"SiZhui", Lan WangJi called in a soft tone. The moment his ears perked up on his son shouting at Master Lan, he knew something was wrong. "Tell me what's bothering you?"

"I can't stay here any longer", he whimpered and the broken voice shocked the cultivators into the core.

At once, both Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi raised on their legs and rushed to his side. Only when they reach him did they understand the kid is not only crouching but shivering on the floor. "A-yuan", Wei Wuxian held his shoulders to urge him to stand on his feet. "What is happening?"

"Please tell me I'm not the only one hearing those ", he tried to form the sentence, still on the floor.

"Hearing What", Lan WangJi bent his body down to his level. He slowly caressed his hair to subdue the sobs coming from his son.

Lan SiZhui's eyes were filled with tears, from them a drop or two was already escaping to his cheeks.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one hearing it", he repeated.

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