Part 34

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Coincidentally, Wei WuXian bent down to pick up the new clothes that fell on the ground. Jin Ling hopped off the bed, put on his boots, grabbed his jacket, and sprinted out of the room. Wei WuXian originally thought that, after going through so much, he would probably stay listless for a while. Who knew that young people were so energetic, as he disappeared into the distance like a gust of wind. Remembering the Curse Mark on his leg that was no trivial matter, he quickly shouted, "What are you running away for?! Come back!"

Jin Ling ran as he put on his soiled, crumpled sect robe, "Don't follow me!" He was light on his feet and stepped out of the inn in a few long strides. After chasing for a few blocks, Wei WuXian actually lost him.

After searching for a while, twilight came, and the people on the streets also lessened. Wei WuXian was quite annoyed, "Damn. How can this child do such a thing?!"As he was about to give up, the angered voice of a young man came from in front of him, at the far end of the street, "I only said a few things about you, and you disappeared into nowhere. Are you some young mistress? Your temper has been growing worse and worse!"

Jiang Cheng!

"you ran into him again?", Lan Xichen asked. "Wangji tried to protect you from getting hurt and you deliberately walked into him?? Wei Wuxian you have the worst luck in every lifetime"

"hihihihi.... I was a little too excited"

while they were talking to each other Jiang WanYin was wobbling on his seat. He felt miserable. For the way he treated Wuxian, he might have his own reasons. But deep down Jiang WanYin always knew it was wrong. He also was sure inside the mask of this Sect leader, there still is a sect heir who is looking for his head discipline backing him up, a Shidi who searched for his ShiXiong's advises whenever he felt helpless. 

Wei WuXian immediately slid into an alleyway. A second later, Jin Ling's voice also appeared, "I already came back with nothing wrong with me, didn't I? Stop nagging!". 

It appeared that Jin Ling didn't come to Qinghe alone. Well, no wonder. Last time, at Dafan Mountain, Jiang Cheng had been there to assist him, so why wouldn't he have come this time? However, looking at this now, it seemed that the two had a quarrel in the town of Qinghe, which was why Jin Ling went up the Xinglu Ridge alone. The reason why he hastened to run away was probably that Jiang Cheng threatened to do something to him if he didn't come back before dark or something like that.

Jiang Cheng, "Nothing wrong? You look like you just rolled around in a muddy ditch, and you say there's nothing wrong with you! Don't you think that it's an embarrassment to be wearing your sect's uniform? Hurry back and change into something else! Speak. What did you run into today?"

Jin Ling replied impatiently, "I already said that I didn't run into anything. I tripped, and it was a waste of time. Ow!" He shouted, "Don't tug on me like that! I'm not three-years-old!"

"you tripped, huh?"

"it was a slip of tongue... I was trapped", Jin ling retorted quickly.

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