Part 16

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There was a sudden splashing heard from some part of the cave and they ran towards that sound. Deeper inside that cave there stood a silhouette. That person had his whole body drenched in blood, stinking. They couldn't make out a name from this person but also didn't felt peril.

'"Wei .. wei Gonzi......"

"Wen Ning ! "

"Ning Gege !!!!! "

"Ghost General"

"Wen Qionglin What are you doing here ?", Wei WuXian screamed at him. He was bewildered to see him there." Just how in the world you ended up here? and what is with all these blood?"

"I.. I was searching for you and a lady told me you are here."

" A lady ??", Nie HuiSang asked but glancing at Lan WangJi.

"No lady knows wei ying is here."

"I don't know Han Guang-Jun, I couldn't find Wei Gonzi in the Cloud Recess. A-Yu .. ehh.. Lan SiZhui was also not there. So I thought I'll search their usual places."

"Wen Ning, since when did this place became my usual place", Wei WuXian asked

"I was searching in Gu .. Gusu. But a lady told me you went to Burial Mound for an investigation. So I followed. I didn't know Sect leaders were also here", Wen Ning looked at others. He still couldn't stand keep his head up in front of Jiang Cheng and Lan QiRen. "I was looking for you, since you spend time around blood pool for testing talismans, but something pulled me into the it."

"Did you tell anyone about your adventures in progress, Wei Wuxian ?", Lan QiRen asked. They were all equally confused of this new turn of events. A lady know Wei WuXian was here? Some unknown force tricked Ghost general ?

"No Uncle. Only Lan Zhan knew. but even if I tell someone, there is no way they could point out this place. Even I was not aware of ending up here'"

"So it is Final. Some one else also knew what you were up to"

"Wen Gonzi", Lan XiChen directly looking at him asked," how did you come in?"

"Yes, Uncle Wen, how did you come inside? We couldn't find the exit but how did you find an opening?"

Wen Ning looked around the cave it's still the same, apart from the thick bed of mosses expanding on the walls, the place still felt the same. He pointed his long fingers to the lane 


it was not there.

"there was it the same old opening".

there wasn't any opening there. It seemed like it appeared only for Wen Ning to join them. "This is getting Interesting", thought Wei, nevertheless he didn't want others to be hedge in here. If Wen Ning was intentionally lead to here, the cave opening only getting visible for him to enter, then as Lan QiRen doubted there was someone else in control.

But this is Wei WuXian and Two can play the game....

Asking the others to stay where they are and strictly instructing not to move, Wi WuXian Without further delay went to inspect the place again. Before pulling out of the crowd he turn to Wen Ning," You know this as much as I know If anything happen here inside this cave, these cultivators won't be of much help to save themselves. So Wen Ning, stay alert. Don't let anyone mess around."

There as a warning in his tone and Wen Ning understood it. The ghost general unmistakably could sense his buddies. Burial mound was not an easy place to survive. Both of then knew it. It took great effort from Wei WuXian to make this place habitable. But years without human touch, the destructive energy became strong. Strong enough to lock their spiritual powers. The increasing amount of voice was a clear sign of this.

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