Part 4

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" why is he not waking up ? "

" Is he dead ?"

" He must be dead again"

" Can you all just shut up "

" What if he doesn't wake up "

" He will. Just wait "

" Should we ? Cant we just take him with us ?"

" Should we inform someone? "

" Call Han Guang-Jun, Call Han Guang -Jun"

" oo yes and how do you think we could do that "

" Isn't he the guy who was living here ?"

" Yes ", "No"

" Yes or No ?"

" He was taller than him and more handsome 😉"

"That man used to flirt me ☺️"

" That man was trying to send you to afterlife 😂😂😂😂"

" Stop talking already, can't you see you guys are disturbing his sleep "

" Is he sleeping ? Looks like he is sleeping "

" Oh he is moving "

" Look he is waking up, look, look "

Wuxian opened his eyes. His eyelids felt heavy. Not just eyes, his entire body felt pulverized. Supporting his palms on the nearby wall he tried to sit.

" grrhhhh "Painful moaning echoed

" Don't move your body. You are hurt"

startled by the sudden voice, He jolted his neck towards that voice.

" Who's there ?", he asked, obviously he heard the other voices when he was about to wake-up. Getting no reply he tried to stand up on his own.

      The walls or whatever he used for support was extremely slippery. Bending his knees felt like holding a mountain. He tried to touch his feet on the ground. After a few attempts settling his legs on the ground he looked around.

      What welcomed him was pitch black. There was nothing but darkness, every where. The killing aura was so strong. Still somehow Wei Wuxian was feeling Calm and safe. This place, where ever he is, was precarious.

 He searched through the layers of clothes in his body. There should be an unwritten talisman. Quickly adding some strokes he threw it into the air. The fire talisman blew and finally he found out where he is. Now it made sense. The walls, ground, the noises he heard, the darkness, everything made sense now. The place he felt familiar was the Demon-Quelling cave. A place where he made his home.

                        On the other hand, things were getting hectic in Cloud Recess. The great Han Guang-Jun was half dead when he saw the status of storage room. Both father and son reached there as soon as they heard the loud noise. Years-old scripts and artifacts were rolling down on the floor creating a mess. There was a slight blue light covering the entire place. But one most important thing was no where to be seen, his Wei Ying.

' Wei ying please be safe, wherever you are. You promised to comeback to me', he muttered in silence.

       There was Sect meeting to be held in 3 days and XiChen being the Chief Cultivator made Cloud Recess the venue for such gatherings. Even though other sects might be there only a day prior to the meeting, 4 major sect leaders who were in harmony would definitely be there earlier. Jiang WanYin and Jin RuLan was getting their security checks done when they heard the news of explosion and Wei WuXian's missing.

" Uncle, What did they meant by that ? Where would he go ? "

" Let's go and check what happened. Creating problems is your other uncle's hobby. He should be somewhere  safe."

Juniors assisted them to the scene and Jiang Cheng could swear on everything, he never saw Lan Wangi this miserable.

" Si Zhui, what happened?"

" Ru Lan ?? You are already here ?" ,   It was Jingyi.

" Ahh yes , we wanted to spend some time with Unc.. Wei WuXian"

" Wrong time. Senior Wei is missing. He was looking through the things in here and we don't know. All we heard was that sound of explosion ", Watching SiZhui trying to make a sentence through sobbing, Lan Jingyi said.

Jiang WanYin was not stupid. He is one of those people who know Wuxian very well. His brother might be carefree, but never careless. He would never play around in a place of this importance.

"What was he looking here for ?",     Jiang Cheng asked aiming Lan Wangji.

"Some things for new experiment.",     Lan Wangji never spared a glance at him answered. He didn't forgive the other for abandoning Wei Ying.

After sensing the tension between these two XiChen interrupted.

" A-Xian must be here somewhere. We all know how much he likes to explore. Jiang WanYin, Jin RuLan, why don't you go to your chamber ? you must be tired from traveling."

" I'm not going anywhere. I'll help Si Zhui and JingYi in searching "

Lan XiChen has already ordered the juniors to search the entire place. They again decided to split and search again. No one was resting until Wei Wuxian is found.

That's when they saw it. A butterfly. A blue butterfly bigger and brighter flew out of that storage room.

" Evil's hair pin", Lan QiRen whispered but every one of them present there heard it clearly. 

Han Guang Jun observing each and every detail that could provide him with clues to Wei Ying recognized the direction of that butterfly.

"Er-ge",      They were following that butterfly when Nei Hui Sang joined the team.

" What happened to Wei Xiong? "

" He was in the storage room when something in there exploded. Now he is missing. "

" How many times a person going to be missing in his life time ", Nei HuiSang stopped there when he got couple of burning glares from the sides.

" What is that butterfly? Why are we following it ? "

" Uncle said it is 'Evil's hair pin'. Reason we are following it, I don't know"

" Lead to Wei Ying. His place." Wangji answered.

That's when Lan Si Zhui pointed out, " It is leading us to Xian gage's workshop"

The Said workshop and the place it was located was suggested by Lan QiRen, when he realized it was useful to give Wuxian a secluded place, rather than restricting him from experimenting. Even though he hate to admit, the younger one's inventions was unique and extremely useful.

                Wuxian didn't know how much time has passed. Even though he managed to light up that place, it was not enough. He tried to remember where the exit was. In this little light it was difficult. The strong metallic scent helped him recognize that blood pool was near. He calculated where that old exit is and decided to move.

" A-Xian "

Wei WuXian froze. He couldn't move a single cell in his body. That voice, it has been long 15 years. The last time he heard it, when he was in nightless city fighting against the entire cultivation world.

" Xian Xian, won't you look at your Shijie ?"

He turned around, slowly. It was not possible. His Shijie, the woman who believed in him, the woman who gave him the unconditional love, was dead. She died right in front of his eyes. But she was there.

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