Part 35

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Suddenly, a series of hurried footsteps approached, and the door was pounded on loudly. Jin Ling shouted from outside, "Uncle!"

Jiang Cheng raised his voice, "Didn't I tell you to stay where you were? Why did you come here?"

Jin Ling, "Uncle, I have something really important to tell you."

Jiang Cheng, "If there's something important, why didn't you decide to speak up when I was scolding you?"

"I didn't want to say it exactly because you kept on scolding me! Are you gonna listen or not? If not, I'm just not gonna say it!" Jin Ling replied in an angry voice.

Jiang Cheng opened the door with a fuming look on his face, "Tell me, then get out!"As soon as the wooden door opened, Jin Ling stepped inside. He had already changed into a new set of the white uniform. "I really did encounter something troublesome today. I think I might have ran into Wen Ning!"

Jiang Cheng's brow twitched. With a hostile expression, he placed his hand on his sword at once, "Where? When?!"

Jin Ling told him, "It was this afternoon. There's a worn-down house about a dozen miles south of here. I went because I heard that something strange had happened there, but who could have guessed that there was a fierce corpse hiding inside."

"how can you lie so smoothly?", Lan Jingyi exclaimed. "sect leader believed it"

"because that is this second priority. Finding Wei Wuxian is No.1. He won't leave him for anything else."

"this is why lying is forbidden in cloud recess. Loo how easily he manipulated him", Lan Xichen said with amusement.

"but it was for good?", SiZhui reminded them. "yes, but lying is manipulating other with false statements. Not every time it is good"

Jing Ling's word sounded quite believable. However, in Wei WuXian's ears, all those sentences were nonsense. He knew precisely where Jin Ling was this afternoon. Moreover, if Wen Ning hid himself, unless he summoned him on purpose, there'd be no way that a junior would find him so easily.

Jiang Cheng, "Why didn't you say so earlier?!"

Jin Ling, "I wasn't certain. The corpse moved at a really fast speed and ran away as soon as I entered. I only saw a blurry figure. But I heard the chain noises he made on Dafan Mountain, which was why I suspected that it might have been him. If you didn't scold me like that, I would have told you right after I came back. If he ran away and you can't catch him, it'd be because of your bad temper, not me." He still wanted to peek inside, but Jiang Cheng was so angered that he slammed the door right in front of his face. Through the closed door, Jiang Cheng shouted, "I'll deal with you later. Get lost!"

Jin Ling replied with an "oh," and his footsteps faded into the distance.

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