Part 11

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Although he was being driven away, it was out of kindness, and the tone also differed from those of the servants in the Mo family. Wei WuXian caught him off guard and quickly hopped up, grabbing one of the flags.

The disciple was startled and jumped down to chase him, "Do not move. That is not something you should take."

Wei WuXian yelled while running away, looking like a real lunatic with his hair disheveled and limbs flinging about, "I'm not giving it back, I'm not giving it back! I want this thing! I want this!"

The disciple caught up to him in a few strides and grabbed his arm, "If you are not going to give it back, I am going to hit you!"

"Lan JingYi", Lan QiRen yelled, "This is not how you talk to a an elder".

"isn't yelling prohibited in your clan?", Jin ling breathed to SiZhui. Lan SiZhui placed a finger on his lips indicating to not speak. It was not at all good for JingYi if anyone angered the seniors right now.

"Master Lan, I apologies for my past behavior", JingYi stood up and gave a full bow.

"punishment after reaching Cloud Recess", there it is. Lan Wangji announced and Jingyi's face paled.

'"aahh, Lan Zhan, stop traumatizing the kids will you?. Look how crazy I was. It was very dangerous to handle the flag carelessly. He was just doing his duty".

"still Improper behavior to an elder won't be tolerated", Wangji stated.

Meanwhile SiZhui was thinking how many times Jingyi insulted Mo XuanYu and how many times was he going to be punished for that.

"Lan Zhan if that was the actual Mo XuanYu would you be still issuing the punishment?, being biased is also prohibited in Cloud Recess. Isn't it Han Guang-Jun?"Wangji was silent, of course he was biased and he wouldn't deny it.

Wei WuXian held onto the flag, unwilling to let go of it. The leader of the boys was setting up the flag formation, and lightly hopped off the roof when he heard of the ruckus, "JingYi, cut it out. Do not make a fuss about it and just take the flag.

Lan JingYi spoke, "SiZhui, I did not actually hit him! Look at him, messing up the flag formation!"

" See JingYi is also responsible. But takes a different approach. That's it."

Lan Jingyi was extremely relieved watching Wei WuXian taking his side. The senior never liked anyone getting punished for petty reasons. But also he would never miss a chance to let the world know that he is Han Guang-Jun's man. Jingyi might have to endure some blackmailing from his senior after they reach home, but for now he knew he was safe from punishments.

During the tug-of-war, Wei WuXian had already checked over the Phantom Attraction Flag in his hands. The motifs were drawn correctly and the incantations were complete. There wasn't any errors, so nothing would go wrong while using them. However, the person who drew on the flag was lacking in experience, so it would only attract evil being and moving corpses from within five li. That should be enough, though. There shouldn't be any malicious creatures in a place as small as the Mo Village.

Lan SiZhui smiled at him, "Young Master Mo, the sky is growing dark, and we are going to start capturing the walking corpses soon. It will be dangerous at night time, so it would be best for you to return to your room."

Wei WuXian looked him over. He was fair and refined, with a dignified appearance and smiling faintly. Wei WuXian silently approved of him. The flag formation was set in an organized way, and his mannerisms were also respectful, making him a disciple with astonishing potential. He didn't know that, at a conservative clan such as the Lan clan, who on Earth brought up such a junior.

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